14 December, 2013

Dear Christian Friends,

It has been much too long since I have written to you. I had spent 7 weeks in Masvingo and thought I was going to spend a week in Harare. However, that is not the way it has turned out.

During the time I have been in Masvingo I have been on my own, doing my own cooking and studying to see what I should be eating. I find that there are 2 ways to treat cancer. Most of the people go the same route that I have gone with chemo and surgery. But there is another route that says nutrition is the way to go. I have read most of the book, “A Cancer Battle Plan.” This was in the library of the Island Hospice. The author had gone thru surgery, chemo and even a bone morrow transplant and they had given up on her. Then she started with the nutrition and was cured.

The C T scan that I had 15 October, 2013 showed that most of the cancer had been removed by the surgery ofSeptember 9. There were a few small cancers the largest was 9.8mm x 8.6      mm. (On March 21 the largest one was 8.7cm x 5.6cm.)

The diet that is recommended is mostly a vegetarian diet. I must admit that even as a child my mother had trouble getting me to eat vegetables. However, I am doing better. We do read that Daniel and friends, who had eaten vegetables, were healthier than the others. (Daniel 1:15)

On November 22 I had a blood test and it showed that there was a big improvement in the results. Except for one figure all my results were in the normal range and that one was almost to normal. The one that had been 3.66 on Oct 17 was 3.78 and normal is 3.8 – 5.5.

I thought that I was going to have another C T scan on the 9th to give time for the reading of it and the report. I had accepted the invitation to speak for the Minister’s Wives retreat at ZCC on the 13th. When I found out that the scan machine was out of order I did not go to Harare until the 12th and on the 13th spoke to the retreat about the history of the Churches of Christ in Zimbabwe. The message was well received and with the information that I have, I now know that I should prepare to print some books at CAMELS with this information.

Then in the afternoon I went to the doctor but because the scan machine was not working we had no evidence of the present size of the cancers. We parted with the conclusion that we should have a good holiday and check out the results of a scan in January.

I lost my hair after the first chemo but it has started growing and is an inch long on the top of my head. During our winter the wig I was wearing felt good but now it is summer time and the wig was hot. For about 3 weeks I have been going without my wig. If I can beat the cancer with diet I will not have to loose my hair again.

As I meet people many remark how good I look. I am getting stronger all the time. I have no trouble driving in Masvingo. However, I have depended on Edmore Muzavazi to drive me to Harare and return. I came back to Masvingo today December 14, 2013.

Have a blessed Christmas season. Thank you for your continued prayers.


Marcia Kay