How Can These Needs Be Met?
A friend of mine, the director of a nationally broadcast radio ministry, once sent an appeal for funds saying, “You guys get to go on vacation, but we still have to pay the bills.” Direct? Yes, but he was facing a tough financial summer slump.
Just one week ago, a mission ministry affiliated with the Restoration Movement sent an urgent appeal for financial help. Their email said, “Just about every year we hit a ‘summer slowdown’ and we worked extra this year to prepare and plan for this slowdown; we took steps in budgeting and ministry activity projection so we could be ready as much as possible. But this year the slowdown hit early and financially we are not making ends meet.”
Another friend is the director of a different ministry that God is using to serve a group that is often neglected. The opportunities they have for service have grown, and they have been thrifty. In spite of all the financial thriftiness, they are facing a very difficult time. My friend worded his “Thank You” letter for gifts to include an appeal for additional help if at all possible.
As the Executive Director of Mission Services, I can fully understand the situation each of these other ministries face. We too have taken extra steps to reduce every possible expense, but we too find ourselves in a more difficult financial situation. In all likelihood, our circumstance is no different than the individuals and congregations who support MSA and receive this update. We all have to deal with the question, “How can all these needs be met?”
The plight of Mission Services, the two ministries referenced above, and all of us is really no different than the one faced by Jesus and the Apostles when there were 5000+ people to feed and all they had was five loaves and two two fish. I can imagine just how helpless the twelve felt when Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” You have to be joking! Feed this many people with this little bit of food? If these men were anything like us (and I am sure they were), they thought there is no way we can feed all these people with this. You know the story. Everyone ate. Everyone was satisfied, and there were enough leftovers for each Apostle to have a basket full!
I am confident God is going to meet the needs of every ministry, every mission and every congregation. He has the power and has demonstrated it over and over again. However, I do want to issue this challenge. Someone offered their personal meal before the process of feeding 5000+ got started. If any of us sees or hears of a need, let’s not allow ourselves to think, “I need to hold onto everything I have for me and my family.” Let’s not allow ourselves to conclude, “My small amount cannot make a dent in that great need.” God will satisfy every need, but He is calling on every individual and congregation to be a part of the supply!
In our last email update, I mentioned that our Board of Directors was scheduled to meet on March 30 here in Knoxville. I am happy to say that we were able to have the meeting, and it was very productive. At one point, some wondered if the meeting would be possible due to the injuries I incurred from my motorcycle accident on March 7. God has been gracious, and I am now back on my road BICYCLE (not motorcycle) several times each week.
Our Executive Committee and Board worked diligently to examine all our expense areas to make Mission Services as lean and as good a steward of our supporters trust as possible. We are in the process of again examining our printing activity to identify how we can fill this needs for hundreds of ministries in the best and most economical manner available. This process includes examining each printing job according to size, run length, paper used and presses available in the marketplace to target those needs. Economic conditions continue to bring changes to what missionaries and ministries need to have printed. Our measurement and analysis of how to best fill that need will continue to be a never ending process
The growth of the missions network has continued to exceed all our initial plans and expectations. The number of people using the network and the number of times each month it is used confirms that Mission Services is providing vital communication services to missionaries, ministries, individuals and congregations. While we have consistently adjusted the manner in which we deliver communication and information, the basic role we began fulfilling in 1946 continues to be viable.
While statistics can be a bit boring and difficult, I believe it is important to share some with you. We passed ONE MILLION hits on the network information in May, only 11 months after its launch at the North American Christian Convention last July The number of visits per day is TEN TIMES GREATER now than following the launch. Information from the missions network has been downloaded more than 48,000 times since July. It is worthy of note that nearly one-half of those downloads have occurred in the past three months alone! We continue to serve new ministries and missionaries via the network as God leads Mission Services into greater service to His kingdom.
This network is unique among Christian Churches/Churches of Christ and would not be possible without the support of individuals and congregations receiving this report. We believe this is one of the most effective and efficient forms of communication, providing our supporters with the best possible “bang” for their missions support funds.
Thank you so much for your interest in Mission Services. Please continue to pray for us that we may follow every leading of God, and serve His Kingdom as He sees fit.