Mission Services

a NEW segment

of information

has been added to 

  the missions network 

tmn logo for newsletters

July 15, 2013
Good Tuesday afternoon!

When the initial concept of the missions network arose, and we brainstormed the concept of the constituencies it would serve, you know that we had students enrolled in Intercultural Studies in mind.

Our hope was the new network would provide streaming video offering connection with various missions, missionaries and ministries serving in a wide array of cultures, locations and styles of work.  Knowing the penchant this generation has for streaming video, our focus was to make it easy to locate those concerning world mission. Another goal was to make all our audio and video files available via podcast, which we have done.  Again, we want to make it easy for anyone interested in world mission to learn what God is doing through those affiliated with Christian Churches and Churches of Christ.

We have now begun adding information that should be beneficial to the education of Intercultural Studies students.  Some time ago, Chris DeWelt of Ozark Christian College offered the opportunity to add Ozark’s collection of historical mission newsletters to the vast library Mission Services had accumulated since 1946.  As of July 1, we have begun systematically adding these documents, scanned as PDFs, to the missions network!

Students now have access to a growing online library of a significant portion of the history of Restoration Movement missions.  As of the fall semester, I will be an adjunct lecturer in Intercultural Studies at Johnson University (Tennessee), and these historical documents will be employed in the syllabus of the Introduction to Missions class.  While we have a LONG way to go to add all this information (perhaps years), there is enough for a young student to learn of the foundational work for what is now being done in various places.

All of these documents are filed according to continent then missionary under the Menu heading “Historical Missionary & Ministry Information.” The direct link to the listing of continents is http://bit.ly/15xNjgC.  We hope everyone will find all the information on the missions network useful and challenging.