Mission Services
the new “App” for
the missions network
is now LIVE for
iOS & Android
tmn logo for newsletters

October 22, 2013

The world is going mobile; so is the work of Mission Services and the missions network!  

We are happy to let everyone know that if you want information on the work of world missions, you can have it delivered in a number of ways.  You can have it: 



ONLINE via the computer & web browser

via SOCIAL MEDIA (Twitter & Facebook)

via PODCAST (we have several)




now, you can get all the news of the work of the Kingdom on your smart phone or tablet!


For those interested, this is a fully native mobile app. That means it runs quickly. We talked with app designers locally, nationally, and internationally in the “pre-design” process.  Our goal was to deliver an app that is attractive, easy to use, and fast.  


The app is offered without charge.  So, please do 3 things today!  


First, go to the iOS App Store (Apple) or to the Google Play Store (Android), and search for the missions network.  In the App Store, the app will appear first.  In the Google Play Store, you may have to select “Android Apps Only” and scroll a bit.  Select install, and you should be good to go.


Second, browse around…USE the app!  On the top right, there is a “Listen Live” feature.  We will be streaming audio from time to time that is missions focused.  At this time, this is streaming a message I delivered at the Mid-Atlantic Christian University Rally earlier in 2013.  We plan to stream audio from selected live events soon.  We have buttons that will take you to video reportsgreat mission stories, our information base that includes material from great events (ICOM workshops & main sessions, the Eubanks Institute for Missions @ Johnson University, the Lake James School of Missions, and more), a growing list of mission opportunities (personnel needs of ministries you may want to fill). News! includes eNews reports directly from missionaries & ministries. HORIZONS magazine is under the eMagazine function and more!  Check our Twitter feed, our Facebook page, and the Donate feature to help cover the costs we incur. Anything you want is there or we hope will be.


Third is a 2-step process.  a) Please check in using the “Check In” feature (we want to see where the app is used (do not worry, no information is captured…our app is safe).  b) PLEASE tell anyone and everyone you know that wants to know about missions about Mission Services, the missions network and the new app. As of today, we are providing information more than 15,000 times each and every day.  We want that number to continue growing!


By the way…this is still the early stages for the missions network!  Not long ago, we began adding “Historical Missions Information” to our base website (http://themissionsnetwork.com).  That has proven to be much more popular than anyone thought.  Now we have added the app, making information accessible more quickly, in more ways, from more devices.  We are already planning our next addition.  I am looking forward to announcing it!  Thanks for being interested in missions and helping make all Mission Services does possible. 



Praying for more to be His,






Reggie Hundley, Executive Director

Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network