Devotional Thought


Salvation is found 

in no one else, 

for there is no other 

name under heaven 

given to men 

by which 

we must be saved.


Acts 4:12

What’s in a name?   A lot, if you have ever looked in to the meaning of your name.  Whether or not that meaning matches your personality or strengths is another thing!   But, it is interesting to learn about the origin of the name and its meaning. 

I have always been intrigued with the account in Matthew 1:18-25 of Jesus’ birth.  Joseph is conflicted by the news that his fiancé Mary is going to have a baby.   She tells him that the child she is carrying is conceived by the Holy Spirit, but Joseph can’t bring himself to believe it.   Being a good man, his desire was to end the relationship quietly.  But he is reassured by an angel in a dream that what Mary has been telling him about the baby is true.   Within the angel’s message to Joseph we learn two things about this son she is carrying, and both come from the meaning of his name. 


Matthew 1:21, “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”   The name Jesus is the Greek form of the name Joshua, which means, “The Lord saves.”  God chose a fitting name for his son.  It is a name that describes his purpose, to save people from their sins.  This was made possible on the cross when Jesus gave his life for our sins.


Matthew 1:22 & 23, “All of this took place to fulfill what the Lord has said through the prophet:  ‘The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ – which means, ‘God with us.'”     The meaning of that name is powerful.  God came to earth in human form.  He knows what it’s like to be tired and hungry.  He knows the joy of encouragement and the burden of discouragement.  Most significantly, we are told in scripture that he was tempted in every way that we are, but he didn’t sin.   He did all of this to become the perfect sacrifice for our sin.


What’s in a name?  If the name is Jesus, everything!   Salvation, hope, restoration – all of these and more are found in the name of Jesus.   It is through the name of Jesus that our life has purpose and meaning.  May we be reminded of this each day as we seek to serve him.   Just as this truth has impacted our lives, it is the impetus that motivates us to help our friends, neighbors and families find salvation, hope and restoration through the name of Jesus!   



Devotion by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Co-Director




  • God has been blessing the efforts of the new church plant in Calgary, Alberta, as things have been coming together. The church is hosting a movie day on December 15; they’ve handed out 300+ tickets so far!  The church has a strong core team that they are looking to double before their launch on January 19, 2014 at a local movie theater.  Keep this new church, leaders and launch team in your prayers.  Also pray for the church’s impact on their community.

El Salvador

  • Praise that Jose, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, was not injured when two gunmen waving guns were in the roadway where Jose was traveling in San Salvador.  He sped away and avoided confrontation and perhaps robbery and death.


  • In November, Lifeline’s Haitian leaders attended the Global Leadership Summit, which was made possible by a generous donor.  (see photos on right)  Adam, Lifeline’s Administrator in Haiti writes: 

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sending us to the Global Leadership Summit. Every year the summit seems to get better. We were happy to learn from the experiences of some great leaders around the world like Bill Hybels, Patrick Lencioni, Dr. Henry Cloud, Oscar Muriu and so on. 


One important lesson we learned from Bill Hybel’s speech, and we want to share it with you, is that when everything seems impossible and we don’t see what to do, we have to pray the prayer of Joshua: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV).


Thanks to everyone who contributed so that we could participate in the summit. Pastor Eddy from Mahotiere always has a special thanks to you and he says, “The summit is one of the greatest gifts he can receive from the mission every year.”  Thank you again for this opportunity and may the Lord bless you!

  • Ruth Telcine Adam (wife of Emmanuel Adam) graduated from the university in Haiti with a degree in management accounting.  Ruth grew up in Lifeline’s Deuxieme Plaine Christian School and her father is the pastor of the Laregal Christian Church, where her brother Philemond is the school principal.

  • So thankful that after five years and many hardships – both from the 2010 earthquake and financially – that Karen Kennison’s (Lifeline’s Executive Assistant) sponsored family has almost completed the home they are building in Haiti! 
  • Work continues on the new Grand Goave Children’s Home in Haiti.


  • Thanks to everyone that participated in Lifeline’s fundraiser at City Barbeque last month!  So far we’ve received over $700 from the participating locations with a few locations still sending in checks.
  • Thanksgiving was a huge blessing of time with family and provided some great chances to celebrate the blessings in this past year.
  • So much to be thankful for: good health, safety, love of family and friends, for the staff at Lifeline, and for our great supporters and ministry partners.

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for Lifeline’s board meeting on Saturday, December 14.
  • We have more openings for M.E.E.T. Trips in 2014. M.E.E.T. Trips (Mission Exploration Engagement Teams) are short, 4-day introductory trip for leaders new to Lifeline’s mission trips.  Pray for God to open the way for new people and churches to take the opportunity to see what God is doing through Lifeline. Contact JD for details. 
  • Prayers for safety, unity and effectiveness in ministry for the upcoming Women’s Work Trip to Haiti in January; 63 women will participate in this trip!  
  • Abby Fusco’s husband underwent a successful surgical procedure yesterday for kidney stone.  Pray for quick recovery.  (Abby is Lifeline’s Finance Manager)
  • That donors will be generous this month and provide funds that will help Lifeline with our great on-going financial needs.
  • Final food packing events of 2013
  • Pray for the container in Haitian customs that has the sponsor gifts for the women’s trip in January.  We have requested a price for the guarantee/deposit to get it out the fast way, but we haven’t been given a price yet.

  • All the food containers that are still waiting in customs in Haiti.  Gretchen asked Firmin in Haiti to request consideration for these to be processed rapidly since they contain food.  This is instead of waiting for our annual fiscal year import list being approved.

You can view Lifeline’s full prayer list at


New! The Greatest Priority Fund
Lifeline is restoring the hope of Jesus Christ among the nations through your sacrificial partnership. Lifeline relies on unrestricted funds to provide the necessary flexible resources for ministry efforts and the Greatest Priority Fund supports the areas of greatest need. This ranges from special projects, international staff support, ministry operations, funding gaps in life-sustaining programs (such as health care and nutrition), strategically reducing liabilities, and/or keeping our ministry vehicles, generators and equipment running.
You can donate online by credit card or EFT at or simply mail a check to Lifeline at 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, Ohio 43081



People, Programs or Projects
Time Well Spent
by Dana Krahel, Volunteer Coordinator
Soon we will be closing out another year and wondering where all the time went. As I reflect on the year, I am always thankful for the accomplishments of our wonderful volunteers. We could not do all we do to further the Kingdom without their help; we are truly blessed. 
Our volunteers come from many different backgrounds and professions: some are very young and some have been well seasoned, but the common thread among them is service. They spend over 5,000 total hours in service to our Lord with Lifeline each year. They answer the phones and “man the front desk” with a cheerful smile. They fold and stuff letters and coloring pages from sponsored children to their sponsors. They fold t-shirts for over 800 work team members and even clean windows. When called upon to tape 4000 pieces of candy to flyers for the July 4th parade (on the 1st of July!), they came and got the job done with 2 hours to spare. 
Over 2,050 hours have been served doing office type tasks. They have loaded containers bound for Haiti and Honduras, folded and packed clothing, sorted and boxed peanut butter and made over 1000 “pantry gifts” for non-sponsored children. Many tasks were done in the heat of summer and cold of winter with no complaints for over 1,080 hours in our warehouse. They have bagged, boxed and counted over 3,950 sponsor gifts for 3 deadlines so far this year using 445 hours and they are working on the October gift deadline. 
These angels we lovingly call volunteers give their time and talents to make a difference to the people that Lifeline has been called to serve. We are so very blessed to have such a great team. Please let us say THANK YOU to the volunteers that help us make a difference. As we are called to serve in more countries around God’s earth, the need is arising for more volunteers to help. It is said best in I Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 
If you are being called to serve, please contact me at or call the office at 614-794-0108 to see where you might use your gift.

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