Sheffler Update
December 2013

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Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters


     This was the theme of the International Conference on Missions held in Kansas CityConnie and I represented the mission at a display booth where many friends, supporters and missionaries came by to visit and discuss the Lord’s work from a global perspective. The main-session speakers were great. I heard good reports on the work-shops, but was able to attend only one on Christian coaching – a method of enabling leadership development that has some things in common with the TEE method of developing leaders. 

     Visiting with Jaime Castro of Mexico while Wayne Fu patiently waits to tell me about his software company and how he can help put TEE courses online.

     I was greatly encouraged by the report of Jaime Castro, President of Mexico Christian University. They launched the TEE program in Spanish in August. Already they have 36 churches and 473 students involved. Two of the churches are in the USA. The students will soon complete two courses. They are translating the third course and plan to add more churches to the program the first of the year. 
     The best thing about these conventions for me is the networking that goes on.Missions and missionaries share ideas, resources and make plans on how to partner in effective ways to build the kingdom globally. I made contact with a Christian software designer who is helping me explore the possibility of putting the TEE training courses online. This will enable anyone in the world who can read English to do the courses. It will open up multiple possibilities for discipleship and leadership development via the internet. This pilot project may lead to putting the courses on line in Spanish and other languages.

                                Connie with Richard Ntim of Ghana.

     Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) registered for this year’s conference. Eighty-six made commitments to become involved in full-time service for the Kingdom. The student program for the conference hosted 1,800 teens. The offerings were almost $65,000. Ten percent of this will be used to start a Hispanic church in Kansas City. Ten percent of the offering was given to Kairos Benevolence Fund to assist retired missionaries who do not have adequate retirement plans. I was happy to be part of a seventy member continuation committee where we chose Enoch Nyador of Ghana to be president of the conference in 2017. 


Prayer time at the National convention – Nigeria

     The National Annual Conference of the Christian Church Nigeria was held November 22-24 in Calabar. The theme was “The Certainty of Jesus Christ’s Return.” Classes were held Saturday morning and afternoon. Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday were marked with preaching, prayer, dramas, choir singing and worship. Over one thousand attended the conference. The conference was a great success due to God’s blessings and the faithful teamwork of committees, speakers and teachers.

     Fifteen TEE students graduated in a special ceremony on November 1. Five graduated from the college. Women were honored in special services in all churches on October 27. 


     Seven graduated from the TEE program at Ningo. Students testified that the courses enabled them to solve church problems and deepen their knowledge of God’s Word.





1. Thank God for the successful International Conference on Missions.

2. Thank God for the successful National Convention in Nigeria.

3. Thank God for the successful launch of a Spanish TEE program through Mexico Christian University.

4. Pray for the continued growth of the Spanish TEE program in Mexico.

5. Pray that the English TEE courses can be put online so more people can use them in leadership and discipleship training around the world.

6. Pray for the Tractor Project. As of today, we have $7,450 donated, but would like to have a total of $18,000 by March so the equipment can be purchased in time for this year’s farming season.

7. Pray for Bob. He will have back surgery on December 16. Surgery to bring about fusion of two vertebrae in June 2012 was not successful. Pray that this surgery will be successful in bringing about the needed fusion.