December 2013 newsletter of Mark and Barbara Stringer, missionaries to Colombia, South America



Dear Prayer Partners,


Thank you for praying. Barbara is well on her way to recovery after her right total knee replacement surgery. There were difficulties. The spinal injection didn’t work so they administered anesthesia through her vein. When she went for a checkup, the doctor told us about difficulties he’d had. Since she had broken her femur four months before, he couldn’ t use the usual method for measuring when cutting the bone . Instead he used plan b, a computer backup method, and we are all relieved that  everything is just where it is supposed to be. You prayed and it all worked out just right. There was no infection. Barbara was up walking 24 hours after the surgery, and she is recuperating nicely.


No amount of explanations is equal to experience. Even though we had done our homework ahead of time, Barbara and I both have learned a lot about total knee replacement surgery and the follow up therapy we never would have gotten from just reading manuals or watching videos. One thing that amazes me is a machine that sits on the bed and flexes Barbara’s leg. After the surgery her knee would only bend 60 degrees. I was instructed to increase the bend 5 degrees a day until it gets to 120 degrees. I can raise it just one degree and let it flex a while, then another and another until we reach the day’s goal. She now reaches 120, but the next day we have to start at a lower number again as her knee adjusts to the new flexibility.


The doctor has now given us the green light for our return trip to Colombia. We’ll start at 10:10 p.m. December 10 in Las Vegas, Nevada, stop in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and end up in Medellín, Colombia, at 2:10 p.m. on the eleventh.


Because of your generosity we were able to take advantage of the hospital’s offer of a 35% discount on their portion of the bill, bringing it to $769.60. We still have to pay 20% of the doctor, the anesthesiologist and the therapist’s fees as well as some miscellaneous expenses. After Medicare pays their part, we will know how much that will be. We are praying that God will touch the hearts of enough people to give special gifts at Christmas time to pay all our bills and save some for possible emergencies in 2014.


Our church home away from home


We have been participating in the life of the Lake Havasu Christian Church in both the English and the Spanish services and have been really warmly received. I have preached twice in Spanish and once in English. This is the first time I’ve preached in English in many years. At the church’s urging, today we put out a sign up sheet for those who want to receive the Colombia Report by e-mail and keep up to date on how to pray for us and for Colombia.


Paola Castro graduates

            Paola Castro Tocora, wife of Gerson Tocora, minister in Ibagué, graduated in November as a psychologist. This brings this project to a happy close. Now she will help her husband minister  to people’s needs in the church as well as helping support her family as she and her husband share the gospel in one of Colombia’s poorest regions. Paola wrote me to thank you folks who have made this possible, and told of her plans to serve the Lord with her degree.


Pro-life activities

            While here in the States I have contacted two pastors and made plans for the distribution of the pro-life videos and counselor training literature. We have made plans to start by distributing ten videos to key leaders, and then wait on the Lord before making more plans. Both of these pastors were visibly moved when they watched the videos. As we talked one of the pastors, a lady who leads a small Spanish speaking pentecostal congregation and who does not appear to be very well-to-do, went to a hiding place and gave me $40.00 for the project. I was humbled by her spontaneous generosity.


Please pray for:

            Bucaramanga: A church in the U.S. that was supplying over $600.00 toward the Bucaramanga church’s budget will not be able to continue as of January 1. We have no way to help the church pay the remaining 20 monthly payments so that their meeting house will be theirs and they can make it on their own.

            Medellín: The church is passing through fiery trials because of the conduct of one of the leaders who has left the Lord.

            Bogotá: The Colombian Christian Convention is coming up in January. Pray that it will be a wonderful time of renewing for faithful leaders in the 18 churches we have helped to plant.

            Barbara’s recuperation and our return trip to Colombia December 10-11.

            Thank God for His people who have made it possible for Barbara to have this operation so that we can return to Colombia to continue serving King Jesus.

                                                Mark & Barbara

FORWARDING TREASURERS: Robert & Donna Floyd, 2262 Essex Court, Montrose, Colorado, 81401 Tel.#(970)-240-1145, e-mail <>

HISTORIAN: Russell Moomaw, 1309 Sherman, Wayne NE 68787, Tel.#402-375-1791, E-mail <>

STRINGERS´ ADDRESS IN COLOMBIA: Calle 2 Sur No. 33-29, Bl. 5, Apto. 210, Medellín. Colombia, South America, direct dial telephone number from the U.S. is 011-574-268-7131, E-mail address: or