Greetings from Taiwan:

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (Col 3:15) Peace is not just an external thing that happens when everything is going well. The source of peace is the Holy Spirit, and it comes from our heart.  Likewise, thanksgiving is not just the result of experiencing bounty.  When Paul wrote the epistle to Colosse, he was in prison.  No, both peace and thanksgiving are gifts from God, from the heart.
We spent Thanksgiving with our co-workers from around the island at The Home of God’s Love orphanage, in Lotung (NE side of Taiwan). There were more than 80 people present (counting friends of our mission). What a blessing our co-workers are to us!  We all rejoiced to see the new facility nearing completion, and scheduled to be completed by the end of January.  And, thanks to the generosity of God’s people, the new home (which will be able to accommodate about 60 children) is nearly 85% paid for!  Praise the Lord! (The attached picture is the view of the new building from the other side of Plum Blossom Lake.)
We are also thankful to share that Taichung City has granted us park space for our live nativity, Dec. 21-22.Please pray that those who view the nativity will be drawn to learn more about Jesus and why he was born in Bethlehem.  (I’ve also attached the flyer for our live nativity, created by one of our church members, Ring Shu!)
Thank you for your faithfulness to us and the people of Taiwan!  May peace and thanksgiving from the Lord fill your heart and be shared with all you meet!
All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin