“It was a great conference!”
“We are missionaries in South Africa and are in SA currently. We have already been blessed by the workshops of ICOM 2013! Friends attending the convention Skyped with us this morning and shared about a workshop on intercessory prayer at a time that we greatly needed it! Thank you for being a blessing ICOM!”
“A huge “Thank You!” and “Praise God!” for all of the good work put in by the ICOM staff and volunteers! It was a great challenging and encouraging conference. Thank you!!!”
We have many things to rejoice about in regards to the 2013 ICOM in Kansas City. Some have said that they thought this was the best conference they had ever attended!  These and other very kind words were said.  We are thrilled as to how the conference unfolded as the weekend played out.
Thank you all for your kind words!

Here’s some stats from this year’s conference:
·        There were 165 missionaries at the Pre-Con: For Missionaries Only.
·        Our registered attendance was just under 7,500.
·        There were 86 decisions for full-time service over the weekend.
·        Our praise and worship (led by Andy Schroeder and the band from Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie, TX,) did an awesome job!
·        We had our first Hispanic president, Jair Castillo, from Piedras Negras, Mexico.
·        We heard our first message in a foreign language.
·        There were more Hispanic brothers and sisters at ICOM than any other time in recent history.
·        Our student program, SICOM, partnered with Oasis and Manhattan Christian College this year in Kansas City.  Together they hoped to host 1,500 teens…Instead, they hosted 1,800 for an incredible weekend led by Mark Moore and the Jordan Howerton Band!
·        For the first time as long as we can remember, our offering exceeded our goal!!!  We received almost $65,000.00!  Ten percent was given to Kairos Benevolence Fund to support retired missionaries and another ten percent is going to a Hispanic church plant in Kansas City.

This is just the beginning!   We will issue a full report by the end of the year.
We would be remiss if we failed to mention all the folks who helped to make this year’s event as good as it was.  Our speakers, workshop speakers, praise & worship band, stage technical crew, hundreds of volunteers (local church workers and students from four local Bible colleges), and more.  Thank you all!!!

Other news from the 2013 ICOM:
Two new presidents were nominated and approved for 2016 & 2017. See their pictures and bio’s below!
Mike Schrage was nominated and approved as the President of the 2016 ICOM that will be held in Lexington, KY.  Mike is a veteran missionary to Ethiopia, now serving as the Executive Director for Good News Production International in Joplin, Missouri.
Enoch Nyador was nominated and approved as the President for the 2017 ICOM that will be held in Peoria, IL.  Enoch is a graduate of Ghana Christian College and is now the Executive Director of Ghana Christian Mission in Ghana, Africa.
Copyright © 2013 International Conference on Missions, All rights reserved. 
This is a combined list of exhibitors from 2012-2013 and the Missionaries list we’ve previously had. 

Our mailing address is: 

International Conference on Missions

95 E County Rd 1000 S

ClaytonIN 46118