One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.

Luke 17:15


Only One Came Back

Jesus healed ten lepers but only one came back to say thank you. Weren’t the other nine thankful? They had to be! Their lives had been transformed, but they didn’t come back. Perhaps the reason was because they were so changed by the possibilities that they lost sight of what had been done.

For the most part, in the United States we have an abundance of everything. If not for a holiday like Thanksgiving, we might lose sight of all that we’ve been blessed with this year. If we’re honest, we probably forget to be thankful much of the time anyway.

So, as we go into the last weeks of 2013, at GNPI we’re reflecting and thinking about changes and progress we want to make next year. Perhaps you are too. Maybe the closet needs cleaned. Spending more time with grandkids is always a good idea. Perhaps you’ll plan to be more diligent about your quiet time.

Yes, those things are important. But we’re guessing the number one thing on your list is, “This is the year I’m going to do my estate planning.” Ok, maybe you weren’t thinking about that. (But now you are!) We thought about that because of Tim Woodall. He’s on our list of people we’re very thankful for this holiday season.

Tim is a local businessman and a long-time friend of GNPI. He recently took advantage of the estate planning GNPI offers, and then went an extra mile to help us with a video about his experience. If you’ve ever thought you were too busy, or are just leery of what that process might be like, you should check out this video featuring Tim.


We’re thankful for what Tim and others have done because while they’ve received tax advantages and income for life through planned giving, they have also ensured that GNPI will be able to continue doing more of what God has called us to—sharing Jesus with people who desperately need Him.

Through your prayers and support, you are part of that plan too. GNPI staff members from around the world are so thankful for you. The prayer warriors and donors who support us day after day are the backbone of this ministry. You are the reason new productions and resources transition from good ideas to powerful tools. All over the world, because of you, GNPI is reaching people right where they are, in a way they can understand, holding out the opportunity to accept Jesus.

We humbly imitate the leper who returned to express gratefulness to Jesus.

We thank you, God, for the people you’ve allowed GNPI to reach with the Good News of Jesus. And, Father, we thank you for all the friends of GNPI whom you’ve used to make that possible.

From our hearts to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.



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“Accelerating Global Evangelism Through Media”


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