Praying We Represent Jesus Well

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

Greetings Mission,

As I prepare to travel to the US again today, I’m accompanied by two other members of the LIA team joining me in various upcoming engagements that we have in place. God has provided us with several opportunities to share the vision that He has given this ministry, as well as some of the best practices and knowledge we’ve acquired throughout the process. It is a very humbling feeling to be asked to speak in front of conference attendees, congregations and fellow believers—and our deep desire is to represent Christ.

In preparing for the various engagements, will you join me in praying that the words spoken from our mouths are guided by the Spirit, blessing to those who listen and pleasing in the sight of the Lord? I’ve provided some specific requests below, and I ask that you consider selecting one or a few to hold us up in prayer.

  • The Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) begins this week in Louisville. We are eager to join together with nearly 5,000 people who are aligned in a desire to serve well in healthcare missions across the world. LIA will lead three separate breakout sessions during the conference – two led by myself, and one by Victor Mikebanyi, our regional director.  Kindly join me asking God to make clear to us that which would be most helpful to communicate to attendees. That they would leave these sessions with a clearer picture of what healthy transformational development may look like in their own work, and that God gives them a clear vision in how to implement these concepts to His glory.
  • Next Monday, I will be sharing my and the LIA story to a group of people attending Southeast Christian Church’s Courageous Faith event. Please pray for me as I share this story – that it would not be my story, but His, and one that is encouraging to those who attend to embark on their own courageous journeys of faith as He calls.
  • Also next week, LIA has been invited to participate in two breakout sessions at theInternational Conference on Missions in Kansas City. We will be sharing best practices for short-term missions, the principles God has taught LIA that enables us to truly be agents of blessing in the communities that these teams visit and serve. My prayer is that those in attendance come with open minds, eager to view short-term missions from the mindset of the local church and community.
  • Lastly, I have been asked to lead a Perspectives class at Flatirons Community Church in Colorado toward the end of the month. As I present to this group of people eager to learn how to pursue Kingdom service, may my teachings on Christian community development reflect how Jesus intended for the Kingdom when he commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

God has also given us the opportunity to share updates about the ministry in front of two church partner congregations this month. I pray that He uses this time to place a call on the hearts of people those He intends to walk alongside LIA as we empower churches to serve the most vulnerable. That they too will feel a part of this great mission!

In all these engagements, my earnest prayer is that we represent Jesus well. Thank you for praying.  It is a great encouragement to know that people like you are joined with us through the work of prayer.

In Christ,