Hello Partners and Friends of CBM and Project Amazonas,

Greetings from Manaus. Just finish a trip and waiting for the next team to arrive on

Tuesday evening. Getting everything ready for our last trip of 2018.

Captain Sanderley and I just finished making out the trip agenda for 2019 and we decided

that we can get three (3) more trips in during 2019.

The CBM Amazônia crew is willing to make the extra trips as we are as well.

We have the possibility of reaching more unreached villages with both medical help and

the Gospel. There have been many villages asking and wanting our help and we have decided

to work in more trips. It would be easy to say no but their need is so great that we need to

help them.

If any of you could help us in making a team of at least 10 individuals for any of the following dates,

we will be willing to do 3 more trips in 2019. We already have 9 trips scheduled in the 9 months that

we do trips during the year but are willing to work into our schedule these extra trips.

February 26 – March 8

April 23 – May 3

June 4 – 14

Please let us know as soon as you come up with a team and we will work out all the details.

Thanks so much for your prayers and partnership,

Earl, Ruth Anne and Crew