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Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
March-April 2018
Teens with a Purpose
On April 7th, several dozen teenagers within our ministry gathered together for a one day spiritual retreat. They gathered at a nearby "camp" devoted themselves to studying the Word of God, worshiping Him through music and fellowshipping together. One of our youth leaders, Harold Diaz, did a fantastic job leading the retreat and helping our teens focus their eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Through this youth retreat, three young people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Praise God!

We thank God daily for the leadership we are seeing amongst our national leaders and for their faith and dedication to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


Bible Institute News
On February 19th, we officially began an organized Bible Institute to help us Equip and Empower current and future leaders. We currently have nine students in the Institute studying God’s Word and applying it to their lives and their ministries. The Institute focuses on training these men in three primary areas: The Head, The Heart and the Hands. EDCM has partnered with the Centro de Liderazgo para Lideres which offers 5 online college level Bible classes to equip the students with the knowledge they need to lead (The Head). Every two months, we hold a live workshop in the Dominican Republic that focuses on the spiritual aspects of ministry (The Heart) as well as the practical side of ministry (The Hands).

Next Workshop
Please pray for our next live workshop taking place on April 28th led by Ryan VandeLinde and Jared Mehrle, the Executive Minister of Broadway Christian Church, Mattoon, IL. The focus will be on Discipleship and Leadership.

Website & Facebook

Check out our website and follow us on Facebook.

Facebook: Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Twitter: #EDCMmissions

In This Issue
Teens with a Purpose
Contact Information
Prayer Needs and Requests
Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde
Email: ryanvandelinde

: 1-809-707-3069


Mail and Donations to:

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations


  • Paint for Higuey Christian Church, $500
  • Sponsorship of Bible Institute Student, $1,000
  • New Church sign for La Romana and Punta Cana Christian Churches, $750 each


  • Bible Institute live workshop on April 28
  • For the 2018 Goals that each church plants would like to accomplish.
  • The nine students that are attending the Bible Institute. May God form these students into preachers and teachers of His Word
  • Praise for the opening of the Bible Institute
  • For spiritual fruit in 2018
  • That EDCM would continue to thrive in 2018 reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ
  • The Dominican and Haitian leaders as they continue moving towards self-sufficiency


  • 97 baptisms of 2017
  • Several baptisms already in 2018
  • Opening of the Bible Institute
  • Youth Retreat: led by national leaders, huge success
  • Wonderful Easter weekend in our church plants
  • National Leadership: they are really stepping up and leading
  • For spiritual fruit that we constantly see through our ministry

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers!

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Eastern Dominican Christian Mission


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