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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

How can I help?

Jul 13, 2018 08:55 am
If you’ve visited the web site in the last few days you might have noticed a small change. We’ve added a tab, across the top next to ‘prayer partners’ that says ‘Descartes’. Visiting this page will introduce you a little to the project and how you can help.
Our church needs your help to do what it does. My prayer is that you, your church, your small group or your community will prayerfully engage in helping fund our recent building move. Our budget for the move is fairly modest at $5,000 but still needs your help. Will you consider partnering with us in this move so that the gospel can be proclaimed here in Descartes? The total budget is broken up into sub-budgets to help see exactly how the money was spent and how your sponsorship goes a long way.
If you are reading this post via email, click through to our website and tap on the ‘Descartes’ tab on the top of the page. If you are reading on the actual site scroll up a little and you’ll see us.

Our churches in Loches and Descartes had a great picnic together last week. We were blessed with a large tent that happened to be next to the lake where we were that offered us a little shade and some really good chefs at the grills.

In the middle of august we will offer a kids activity day with games, snacks and a treasure hunt. This will be our 5th event of this time and we truly hope to see a lot of smiling faces present.

The end of this summer we will celebrate another joint service that will end, like a lot of what we do, with the offer of Jesus and life with Him. Pray for the people who might come to this event.

So do feel free to examine the ‘Descartes’ tab. Feel free to ask any questions you would like, God and the Gospel need YOU to advance in central France!

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