Updates from Togo Christian Mission

Date: July 30th, 2018

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ

It is a great Joy to share what the Lord is doing with you

Growth is registered, both spiritually and physically with church planting, mobile medical evangelism, mission clinic, and the Christian school. It has been some time since our last update and we apologize for the long delay. We have been going through a time of spiritual attack. You may have received our update letter from Outreach International via mail. If not please let us know so that we can make sure you receive a copy to be praying alongside us. This newsletter will be a bit broader as there still has been so much going on in the kingdom of God in Togo that we would not want you to miss out on! Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and concern. Sometimes it is in our most difficult moments that the kingdom grows the most and we are thankful for how God has been and definitely continues to be on the move through the ongoing work of Togo Christian Mission.


1-/ There has been several baptisms for the past months. In 2017 and 2018, numbering about sixty.


(Above: Kangni, one of our clinic staff and a member of our local Church is baptized!)

2-/ At the clinic patients are part of our morning devotions before work daily and this is transforming their heats, and many of the them are now hearing the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.

3-/ The school meets on every Friday to worship and are exhorted to lead the life of Christ everywhere.

4-/ The mobile medical evangelism is reaching homes where the patients are immobile and the Lord is on the move with us.

5-/ One village church has been planted under the mission church planting program.

6-/ As Sara is stateside, the mission has hired Ambroise, a qualified medical assistant, to coordinate the daily activities of the clinic along with Brittany who continues to be such a help and light to our mission activities. The local staff trained by Sara are also maintaining the service and outreach in the clinic.


(Above: Our local staff along with Brittany and our new recruit Ambroise working hard)


The school now has a population of 270 students. We express our great gratitude’s to the lord for all our student sponsors donors who make this possible.

Due to the structure designed for the school, some students are leading their parents to Christ and also their friends. Lives are transformed for better future in all the students.

Parents are ever grateful for the meals their children in the school get thanks to supporting this ministry, the school has about 15 staff and 3 cooks who serves accordingly.


(Above: Middle school students studying hard for their end of year exams!)

The completion of the school building to be able to take in more students is our prayer. We are currently in need to start the construction of the high school classrooms. It would be four additional classrooms that will be constructed on top of our existing middle school structure. Total cost is $23,000 for construction, electrical work, and finishing work (painting, doors, windows). Please pray with us to meet the cost needed.


(Above: the current middle school building. We are hoping to build 4 high school class rooms on top of this building.)


Dela has been very instrumental in all developments both in ministry and in education.

In ministry and the education:

a-/ In the organization of the women for service and ladies’ prayer and fasting group

b-/The purchase of the needed supplies for the school.

c-/Medical purchases for the clinic

d-/ Working as a leader in our microfinance in the church to alleviate poverty.


(Above: Hammer and Dela)


We praise God that a new Church has been planted in Koutime. Every Sunday, the Church sends trained leaders to fellowship and encourage this Church as well as several other village Churches.

Pastor Anna DOSSOU has been a great recent addition to our Church planting team. He and his family of his wife and three children are now working in the Koutime Church.


One village, Vo- Asso, is dominated with idol worshippers. The Lord is doing great things there and many are now coming to hear the good news.

We have partnered with Compassion International to support 240 Kids in the community and the Church through Christian Education, healthcare, and meals provided during out weekly outreach program. We have been in the application process for this program for the past few years and we are so excited that it has just started up this spring.

Our part is to bring the kids up in the Lord. The kids are between the ages of 3 -7 years. Please pray that God would move mightily through this Outreach.

Thank God for Compassion International for putting smiles in their face.


(Above: Parents lined up with their children during the registration process for the Compassion International Project at our Vo-Asso Church)


We have been conducting a 12 weeks Bible Studies in the congregations of Vo-Asso.

20 of those who have been studying have been baptized and given their lives to Christ just this past week! Praise God for truth coming into darkness!


(Above: Some of those going through studies at the Vo-Asso Church)


(New Creations! 21 souls added to the kingdom of God!)


This past month we also had the departure of a couple that have been partners with us in ministry for some time. Brittany Attikpo (formerly Creasy) has worked alongside us in Meidcal Ministry and been a great encouragment to all of us. Her husband Felix Attikpo, who has served alongside us in school, Church planting, and many other aspects of ministry has been a joy to serve with too. We will greatly miss them and we are thankful for their dedication to the kingdom of God. Brittany finished a two year commitment with us and stayed an additional year serving while she and Felix awaited their paperwork to come stateside. Our thoughts and prayers are with them for a smooth transition stateside.


Connect with us!
Email: togochristianmission

Twitter: tcmconnect


  • The new church plant in Koutime!
  • 20 people from Vo Asso who have completed studies were baptized and became new creations!
  • Ongoing Medical Ministry that continues to meet physical and spirtiual needs
  • A great school year to be finishing up this month!
  • Brittany and Felix’s safe arrival back in the US. Thanksgiving for all their hard work over the past years in Togo


  • Prayer for the growth of the 20 new converts.
  • Prayer for the mission during a time of spiritual attack
  • Middle school building to be constructed.
  • God grant mission clinic staff courage to keep up their good work.
  • Hammer and Dela to remain focus on Christ despite challenges
  • God to abundantly bless the donors to the mission
  • Sara and the kids on a Sabbatical in the US at this time
  • Brittany and Felix as they transition to life in the US.
To Support Togo Christian Mission:

Please send checks written out to "Outreach International" with "TCM" written in the memo. If you have a specific project you would like to donate towards please be sure to include this as well.

(Example: for funds to go towards the high school consturction write "TCM-School" in the memo line)

Checks may be mailed to:

Outreach International
PO Box 272
Shelbyville, MO 63469


Donate online at

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