This week, we’re lifting up our Jamaican brothers and sisters in prayer. Go together with us as we praise and plead with the Lord in His strength.

Join us in praying for Jamaica as a nation!
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Go Together for His Glory

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him…" 2 Chronicles 16:9

Dear Mission,
We have confidence that the Lord sees those who trust in His name. He promises to be their help and their strength. Praise God that, in everything we do, we don’t have to rely on our own strength. Let’s humbly praise God for all the work he is doing and pray for the nation of Jamaica:

Give Thanks for the Nation:

  • We thank God for the efforts of the security forces and their progress in stemming out organized crimes.
  • We continue to praise God for the united efforts of intercession for our nation by different groups.
  • The island has seen a very high record of stop over visits by tourists which has helped support the economy. Praise God!

Requests for the Nation:

  • Pray against corruption in both public and private sectors. There are still some people with criminal intent who continue to operate in secrecy. Please pray that they will be exposed and brought to justice.
  • Please pray against the influx of opposing religions to Christianity. Pray that those who believe will faithfully worship the one and only true and and living God.
  • Pray for the country as the threat of hurricane Isaac is predicted to enter the Eastern Caribbean Sea by early next week. We are in the predicted path, so pray that it will die at sea.

Give Thanks for LIA-Jamaica:

  • We thank God for all that He is doing at this time in LIA-Jamaica as He redirects and refocuses us to greater things.
  • Thank God that the series of transformational development promotion went well it churches and that more churches are showing interest in training opportunities as the need arises.
  • Praise God for the Youth Running Club and those who work with the local children.

Requests for LIA-Jamaica:

  • Please pray for us as we re-engage with churches and solidify their commitment to our model. Pray that all their plans for engagement with the community will be accomplished by the Lord for His glory.
  • Pray that God will grant us favor as we submit documents for non-profit status, which would save us thousands of dollars in taxes each year.
  • Pray that our partner churches and their leaders would be encouraged to do the work that the Lord has called them to. Pray for participants involved in the Youth Running Club and micro-enterprise association, and that these initiatives would have greater impact leading to transformation.

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for Jamaica!
In Christ,

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