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God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!



Want to encourage our translators at their graduation from VISTA?

Send a card / note to 4321 Baldwin St, Grand Prairie, TX, 75052 by the end of September to be hand carried to Vanuatu
~ or ~
E-mail Angie with a note or card you have created on your computer with Word, etc. and we will compile them onto a flash drive to be given to each translator.

Our 15 translators have worked 4 long years to come to this day and your words of affirmation could be just the boost they need as they transition to translating more independently from their own villages. Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayers for our family and the work in Vanuatu!

Dear Reggie,

School has started and there are no triple digit temps in the forecast. I think summer is officially over!

Matt has had a pretty normal month, which is a nice break in between the erratic nature of Summer and the craziness that will be our Fall. He’s been communicating with teammates and processing reimbursements and payroll. He continues to pray with some teammates for the islands (PNG, Vanuatu, etc) on Monday afternoons and now is also praying with others who are on remote assignment on Tuesday mornings. We leave in a week for his class reunion in Illinois and he leaves for Vanuatu in just a month!

The Global Partnerships division is busy helping new global teammates move forward in their training and planning a few upcoming trips. This month I spent some time using Google Translate to get a rough draft of some documents for one of our global partners. It kept telling me that the name of this school they attended was named Wizard something or another. I laughed and tried again. Same result. Then I realized the name of the school in that language was Wizard and I started getting concerned…until I looked up the school and found out it was a school that taught languages, ie you are a wiz at speaking English! NOT a man who practices magic. And this is why we can’t just use Google Translate to translate the Bible! 🙂

Please join us in prayer this month:

~ School is going well and Lauren made the Jr High volleyball team! Thank you for praying for our kids.

~ Our annual strategic planning meetings were SO good…and so tiring! Now we’re busy putting into place the decisions we made as a team. Please pray for all of Pioneer Bible Translators as we follow God’s lead.

~ Our family’s upcoming travels: Sept 13-16 Pittsfield, IL; Oct 4-7 Branson, MO; Oct 8 Matt leaves for Vanuatu.

Thank you for your prayers and support of our family and ministry. We couldn’t do this without you!

Angie (for Matt and the kids, too)

Want to see our Development Dept in a whole new light?? We made a little video during our retreat for the Annual Strategic Meeting that week. I only have a small part (thankfully! haha) but it makes me laugh out loud every single time I watch it. Make sure to watch to the end!
Travel Update

We have now received $1,275 toward Matt’s work trip to Vanuatu. THANK YOU to those who have given! We believe Matt’s travel expenses will be around $2,000 total so we’re about 65% of the way there!

If you would like to give a special gift to make Matt’s trip possible, you can give in your normal way and just let us know the extra is for his trip. Even if you aren’t a regular supporter, you can go to our Giving Page and give by check or online. Thank you!

Please be praying for:

* God to direct Matt’s planning for his trip and give him the time to prepare for it.

* That God would make the way for Matt to make all of his connections, especially on the way to Vanuatu. The volcano on Ambae is unstable and has cancelled many flights. If he misses his flight from Brisbane to Santo, he will miss the VISTA graduation.

* That Matt will be able to connect with everyone he needs to on this trip. It’s sometimes easier said than done. 🙂

We thank God for each of you. Please share your praises and prayer requests with us, too!

Angie (for Matt & the kids, too)

Copyright © 2018 Pioneer Bible Translators, All rights reserved.



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