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Odle Family

Join with as we pray for the needs of the Odles in Northern Ghana.
3 To Be On Our Knees
1. For the past few months you have heard that Anna is volunteering with Mamawise. The organization is fairly new and what we do is form groups of pregnant women at hospitals and meet monthly to teach on nutrition and all topics related to labor and delivery. Most women receive no education on these topics and so they really struggle with labor and delivery because they have no idea what is happeneing, what is normal, or what is not normal. So this leads many women to approach labor with fear and hysterics. The founder, Lotte is from the Netherlands and she has returned home to deliver her own child, so Anna is continuing the work in Ghana in her absence. Pray that God would open doors for Mamawise to continue reaching out to pregnant women. Pray for Anna, as she is a witness both to the Mamawise staff and to the women we serve who are mostly Muslim.

2. We are getting into Shea Nut trading season! This year we had some early storms go through northern Ghana and the blooms were blown off of shea trees in many areas. The price of shea nuts is much higher this season compared to last season and they are projecting that there will not be as much nut available this year. This is really a good thing for the women who collect the nut, they are not paid a very high price for their work and this will raise the price of nut considerabley for them. We have made some great connections this past year and we feel confident that we will have access to plenty of nut. Pray that God will continue to open up doors for us with trading. Pray for our partner Abu, this is a very busy season for him, ask God to keep him safe as he works and travels, pray that he would find favor with those he works with and pray that God would give him wisdom as he works out deals everyday when buying nuts. Pray also that we would have sufficient funds to keep buying nut, we have capitol from last year to trade with, but as with any business, we could grow much faster with more capitol.

3. Hopefully you have heard that we are coming home next spring!! We are very excited to reconnect with friends, family and churches. We are in need of some special gifts to pay for plane tickets for our trip home. During the next few months we will also have to renew our residency and work permits, register our vehicle and pay for insurance and pay rent for two more years on our house! We are trusting God to provide for all of our needs, but we know that He meets our needs through His people, so we are asking that you would remember our needs in the months to come as you pray and give. We also would like to begin to think about our travel plans for when we are home in the US. If you would like to have us come and speak at your church, meet with a missions team or other group function, send us an email so we can start to put together an itenerary. We are planning to be in the US between early April and late August. You can reach Jared at jared.odle or Anna at annaodle.

You are always welcome to email encouragement to JARED and

1531 13th Street Suite G400 Columbus, IN 47201