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TCM News Brief June 2018
Taking Christ to Millions by Training Christians for Ministry
Dear Reggie and Carol,

It’s a busy time for TCM as we are in the summer semester of the 2018 academic year. At Haus Edelweiss Session 3 has ended and the staff is preparing to welcome volunteers, professors, translators, and students for Session 4. By the end of the two sessions 100 disciple makers from 22 nations will complete one of nine classes.

Those classes include:

  • Mission in the New Testament
  • Discipleship
  • Theology and Practice of Worship
  • Theology and Practice of Prayer
  • Mission Theology
  • Apologetics and Culture
  • Survey of Church History
  • Discipleship
  • New Testament Preaching and Teaching

At the same time TCM Mentoring Centers have been busy with students completing face-to-face time with professors. Classes completed at Mentoring Centers have included:

  • Theology and Practice of Prayer
  • Mission Theology
  • Pastoral Ethics
  • Contemporary Issues in Intercultural Studies
  • Christian Ethics

When TCM students are asked about their studies and the impact on their ministries they give more than a one-sentence response. Telling first about their ministries, they set the stage to explain why a TCM education is important in helping them become better equipped to share about Jesus. One such example is from Ilkhom who lives and serves in Central Asia.

Ilkhom answered God’s call upon his life and serves as the pastor of a church in the capital city of his country. He also provides leadership as the director of the theological institute in that city. His desire is to be as effective as possible in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people of his country.

Ultimately, Ilkhom would like to earn his doctorate, which would allow him to teach as a professor in various State Institutes, especially the academy of sciences. In such settings, he will have the opportunity to talk about Jesus with many professors and educated people who are not believers.

As his ministry expands Ilkhom envisions also being involved in building a secular organization that provides services within the community and draws people to Christ.

Ninety-nine percent of the population of his country follows Islam, so many of the people he meets and ministers to are Muslim or come from Muslim backgrounds. The cross-cultural ministry courses that he has taken at TCM have provided him with knowledge that he has been able to apply to his context of ministry. He states those courses have added value because they are taught by a professor who is very knowledgeable about the Muslim faith.

Ilkhom’s TCM education helps him in two ways. First, as a pastor he teaches with a deeper analysis of the Word of God. Second, he continues to acquire deeper knowledge and better practical skills to share with students in the theological institute where he teaches. As he looks to the future his TCM education will provide a good foundation for teaching in many different types of settings.

Most often when sharing about the impact of their TCM education students and graduates will conclude with a comment that goes beyond education. One such comment heard at the 2018 Graduation Celebration was, “Because of all of you (professors, other students, staff, long-term and short-term workers) I have become more like Jesus.”

To each of you reading this – thank you for partnering with TCM in training and equipping disciple makers, going out and serving so that every nation will have effective leaders of disciple-making movements, impacting their churches, cultures, and countries for Christ.

Blessings on your journey,

Walker Lecture Breakfast

Indianapolis, Indiana

Hosted by the European Evangelistic Society (EES) and
TCM International Institute (TCM)

Thursday, June 28, 2018
7:30 AM – 09:00 AM

Westin, Grand Ballroom 1
Downtown Indianapolis

Join EES and TCM for a light breakfast

Guest Speaker: Dr. Bobby Harrington, Executive Director, Discipleship.org

No cost, but reservations are required.
To make reservations CLICK HERE


June 26-28, 2018

Indianapolis Convention Center

Visit TCM in Booth 145

To learn more go to:



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Taking Christ to Millions
throughout Europe, Central Asia,
and the Middle East.

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TCM loves the opportunity to share ministry updates with our donors either through personal visits or materials provided for mission fairs and other events. Throughout 2018 TCM staff and volunteers will be sharing ministry updates in a variety of ways with many churches and organizations.

If you would like for someone from TCM to share an update with your church leadership, missions team, or congregation please contact Debbie Poer at debbie.poer.

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Haus Edelweiss is blessed to have young families among the staff there. One family has an 8-month old son. His parents are full-time staff members with significant responsibilities in the areas of Academic Services and Information Technology. We believe the provision of excellent childcare within minutes of his mom and dad will relieve stress for parents and child alike.

Our prayer is to find multiple individuals (we would consider couples) who could volunteer for 60-85 days at a time at our facility in Austria, known as Haus Edelweiss. TCM will provide a food allowance along with a private apartment on campus. Access to a TCM vehicle will be possible. Interested individuals need:

  • To be faithful believers in Jesus Christ
  • To love caring for children and do it well
  • To be 21 years of age or older
  • To be in good to excellent health, able to life 25 pounds, and able to navigate numerous steps
  • To provide three character references from other Christ followers. One of these references must be from someone known to TCM
  • To provide proof of successfully passing a child-safe background check. If such a background check has not been secured, TCM will facilitate a background check of selected prospective volunteers
  • To be willing to obtain certification in First Aid and CPR training. This would need to be attained before departure to Austria
  • To obtain an international driver’s license

Those interested or with questions may contact Debbie Poer, Director of International Services for TCM at debbie.poer or at 317-299-0333

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