Catch up with the latest news about camp, VBS and all of our travels as well as an update about our truck fund.

Craig and Katy Bennett
Serving the Bibleless in Vanuatu
Give Here to Make Our Ministry Possible

VBS, Camp, and More VBS!

Hi Everyone,
This summer we are having a blast visiting different Vacation Bible Schools and camp all across the US. So far we have participated in 4 different VBS programs and a week of camp!

We began the month of June with VBS at Central Community Christian Church in Johnson City, TN. Then I (Katy) had the opportunity to share about our ministry with 70 middle schoolers at Camp Pitt in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, (pictured above). On the last day of camp, we got to talk about how God can use all of the talents and abilities that he has gifted us with to serve him, in Vanuatu or in the US.

After that, we all traveled to Missouri to do VBS with Owensville Christian Church and then on to the North American Christian Convention in Indianapolis, IN. After a short rest back at home we were off to Elbert, CO to share at VBS at Elbert Christian Church (pictured below). Friday we landed back in TN just in time to participate in the last day of VBS at Hampton Christian Church in Hampton, TN and yesterday we had an opportunity to share more about the work in Vanuatu at their Sunday morning service.

We are so thankful for all of the warm welcomes that you extend to us as we travel. We love visiting with you and sharing about what God is doing in Vanuatu! We know that we couldn’t do this work without you!

Ministry Support Update

It’s hard to believe that we are just 2.5 months away from heading back to Vanuatu! We are so excited to continue the work of training ni-Vanuatu people to translate God’s word into their languages. Right now, we only have supporters committed to giving 70% of our ministry’s monthly needs. In order to minister well in Vanuatu, we need to be fully funded. These missing funds are budgeted for trips to the outer islands to visit our translators, publishing Scripture portions to distribute, plane tickets for our upcoming return to Vanuatu, and so much more.

Would you consider partnering in our ministry through monthly financial support? Your commitment of $25, $50, $100 or more per month can make a difference in the lives of ni-Vanuatu people. God’s word is changing lives and we are so excited about the work He has for us. If you would like to join us, you can sign-up here.

Maroon Bells

During our trip to Colorado we drove up to Aspen with Roger Miller, the minister from Elbert Christian Church (pictured above). We had the opportunity to meet with a representative from Maria’s Bibles, a memorial fund that generously supports our ministry. He took us fishing at twilight at Maroon Bells, the most photographed peak in all of North America. We were astounded by the beauty of God’s creation, the mountains were breathtaking!

Dead Sea Scrolls

While we were in Denver last week we had the opportunity to view some of the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Denver Museum. It was amazing to have an opportunity to view some of the oldest known copies of God’s word!

At the exhibit we saw portions of Isaiah, Psalms and many others as well as some of the jars the scrolls had been stored in. In addition, we saw ceremonial jars marked with the seal of King Hezekiah. It’s incredible to see God’s word come to life.

Vehicle Fund

Thank you so much to all of you who have given this month! With special offerings from Central Community CC VBS, Cornerstone Church of Christ, and Cornerstone Christian Church we now have just over $20,000 of our $30,000 goal! You all are amazing!

If you would like to make a gift to help us reach our goal, you can do so here. Please select "Bennett Vehicle Fund" from the dropdown menu.


VISTA: Vanuatu Institute for Scripture Translation and Application

While we are here in the US sharing with all of you our teammates are in Vanuatu continuing to train our 15 ni-Vanuatu translators and mentor them as they translate Scripture into their own languages. While there were ups and downs the module went well overall. After the next module in September/October the translators will graduate from the training program and begin translating much more quickly.

During this module our translators learned more about the many tools that are available to them through Paratext, the translation software we have been training them to use. Praise God for the Paratext program and pray that our translators would be encouraged as they continue to learn to use it.

Also during this module two of our translators struggled with their commitment to the translation program. Please pray that God would renew their resolve to see His Word in their heart languages. Ask God to encourage all 15 translators and their families as they get ready to transition from training to full-time translation work.

Left: Gregory Ohrenberg teaching VISTA translators
Right: Hano translation team hard at work

Upcoming Events:

July 21-28: Family Reunion in Massachusetts
August 1-3: Lasic Eye surgery for Craig and Katy in Dayton, Ohio
August 8: Woodlawn Christian Church, Knoxville, TN
August 19: First Christian Church of Maryville, TN
Early October: Return to Vanuatu

*If you would like to give toward our travel expenses for our return to Vanuatu, you can do so here. These travel funds are part of our regular monthly budget but since we our ministry is currently funded at only 70%, the funds for this travel are not ready and waiting as we had hoped. Your gift can make a big difference in helping us with our return. Thank you for being part of our ministry team!

Give Here to Make Our Ministry Possible
Copyright © 2018 Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you expressed interest in our ministry to the Bible-less people of Vanuatu.

Our mailing address is:
Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett623 Charlie Hicks Rd
Jonesborough, TN 37659
