Follow us on our travels to Illinois and get some cute pictures of the boys!

Craig and Katy Bennett
Serving the Bibleless in Vanuatu
Give Here to Make Our Ministry Possible

Miles and Miles

Hi Everyone,
Since landing in the US just 6 months ago, we have put over 18,000 miles on our vehicle and we’re not stopping anytime soon! Last time we wrote to you, we shared with you about our upcoming trips to middle Tennessee, Virginia, Illinois, Virginia again, Missouri and more. Today we are writing to you from southern Illinois (pictured above) where we lived while Craig was studying at Lincoln Christian Seminary. It is so good to see friends we haven’t seen in over 4 years! So far this trip we have visited two of our supporting churches where we’ve given ministry updates and Craig preached about the transforming power of God’s word in our lives. We’ve been blessed to share ministry news and updates with numerous friends and acquaintances. Craig shared twice with a men’s service group and Katy with a ladies’ Bible study, and last night we shared with a home group. We’ve also been blessed with bountiful meals at the tables of dear friends and countless hugs and words of encouragement.

As we travel across the US and renew our friendship with so many of you, we are reminded again and again of how God has blessed us through you and how he shows his love to us through you. Thank you so much for the hugs, the smiles, the encouraging words, the delicious meals, the prayers, and the gifts of support that you give as we visit. Below you’ll find our schedule for the next few months as we continue to travel sharing about what God is doing in Vanuatu. If you aren’t on our schedule yet, let us know soon; we don’t want to miss you!

VISTA Is in Progress and So Is the Volcano
Even as we write to you from the US, our teammates are in Vanuatu are continuing the work of training our 15 nationals translators. In this module part of our translators are working through Matthew 5-8 while others are continuing on in the Old Testament with various passages from Samuel and Kings. While our translators continue to work diligently the volcano on Ambae continues to billow ash and smoke. The ash cover and resultant acid rain have made the island uninhabitable and the people are again being evacuated to other islands. We ask you to join us in praying both for the translation work and for the people of Ambae. We don’t know what God’s plan is here but pray with us that he would be glorified and that many would come to know Jesus through these hardships.

Laptop Cases

After countless hours of work Craig has completed cutting and preparing the foam for protective laptop cases for each of our 15 translators. These cases will help keep their laptops safe from humidity and bumps and bruises as they use their computers to translate God’s word. These cases will be going in the mail soon. Pray with us that they will make it to Vanuatu quickly and without any problems with customs.

Truck Fund

As you know, one of our goals while we are here on Home Assignment is to raise funds to purchase a vehicle when we return to Vanuatu later this year so that we will have safe and reliable transportation. Since our last newsletter, you all have given so generously. We now have almost $10,000 of our $30,000 goal! Thank you so much to all of you to have given, we have been amazed by your generosity! If you would like to help us reach our goal, you can give here.

Fun Along the Way

As we travel across the US visiting with all of you, we are trying to make sure our boys get a chance to experience some of what an American childhood is like since life in Vanuatu is so very different. Top left: Josiah and our niece Page had a great time with Grandpa (Katy’s dad) at the Knoxville Zoo. Top right: Elijah enjoyed petting a sheep with his adopted Grandpa John. Bottom: both boys got to catch their first fish (bluegill) while we were staying with the Pages in Illinois.

Upcoming Events:

May 9: Christian Church of Witt Bible Study, Witt, IL
May 20 am: Embreeville Church of Christ, Erwin, TN
May 20 pm: Central Holston Christian Church, Bristol, TN
May 25: Craig’s Birthday
May 27: Gap Creek CC, Elizabethton, TN
June 3: Craig and Katy’s 12th wedding anniversary
June 4-8: Central Community CC VBS, Johnson City, TN
June 10-15: Pittsylvania Christian Service Camp, Chatham, VA
June 12: Cornerstone C of C, Chatham, VA
June 13: Altavista C of C, Altavista, VA
June 14: Mt Ivy CC, Moneta, VA
June 18-21: Owensville CC VBS, Owensville, MO
June 24: Owensville CC
July 8-13: Elbert Christian Church, Elbert, CO

Copyright © 2018 Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you expressed interest in our ministry to the Bible-less people of Vanuatu.

Our mailing address is:
Pioneer Bible Translators/Ministry of Craig and Katy Bennett623 Charlie Hicks Rd
Jonesborough, TN 37659
