Greetings! Here’s a quick update on the ministry that you are doing through us among Bibleless people groups around the world.


· We praise God that Mike’s health has been slowly improving. Please continue to pray for complete healing.

· Mike has been working on processes and tools for our teammates in Papua New Guinea that enable them to put literacy materials into the same computer program they use for translating Scripture. This helps insure that spellings in Scripture and literacy materials are the same. (Sound easy? Remember that these languages weren’t even written down before Bible translation and literacy work started, so spelling “rules” and conventions are still developing, making consistent spelling an often elusive goal. Mike’s project is changing that!) Give thanks for good, collaborative communication with the PNG literacy production team and that this project is nearly completed. Pray that it will finish well.

· After working many years with the Akukem language project, Mike has turned over leadership of it to our coworker Norm. Pray that Mike can successfully transfer his accumulated knowledge about the Akukem language to Norm.


· Eunice’s work on the next edition of Pioneer Bible Translators’ corporate newsletter Latest Words is nearly finished, and she’s off and running with collecting and processing articles for the fall edition of The Latest Word magazine. The editor with whom she worked most closely for several years stepped down last year in order to devote more time to her work as a Bible translator. Eunice really misses working with her. Pray for Eunice to step up well to the additional responsibilities.

· PBT’s next week of fasting and prayer will take place May 7-11. Eunice is on the team that is collecting praises and prayer requests and preparing them for distribution to our teammates all around the world, and she’s involved in other aspects of preparing for the prayer-focused events that will take place at our Dallas office during that week. Please pray that God will answer the prayers that will be offered up continually during that week in astonishing ways for His glory throughout the earth.

· For several months Eunice has experienced eyestrain headaches almost daily. Switching from laptop screen to large external monitors both at the office and at home helped for a while but the headaches have returned. Please pray for relief.

Both of us:

· We enjoyed a visit last month from financial partners from Kansas who are also special friends. They were SO encouraging to us! We also enjoyed a recent visit from Josh and Karissa, and we’re gearing up for more hospitality in the next several weeks. Pray that each guest will feel welcome here in our home.

· We recently hosted a young couple who are prayerfully seeking where to serve. We’re grateful that we could help them see how their gifts and specific ministry interests could be well invested in Papua New Guinea. Coming up soon: a curry night in our home for all our teammates with connections to – or at least interest in – PNG. It might be a bit crowded in here!

· We’re celebrating 40 years of marriage next week with a trip to the Texas Hill Country. Pray for protection and joy.

Planted in Prayer: For a powerful story of answered prayer and transformed lives, click here:

Thank you for standing with us in this ministry as you pray and as you give. We are so grateful!

Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder

Pioneer Bible Translators

PO Box 380721

Duncanville, TX 75138-0721