Dear mission partners,

Attached is our latest update. Thank you for your faithful partnership in this ministry to the Lele people.

This past month we’ve been here in West Africa focusing on the Bible translation work. It has been a productive several weeks of correction work in Luke and the Psalms. It culminated last week in a Bible translation workshop in the capital where translation teams from all over this nation came to learn more about checking comprehension of their translation work in the villages. Stay tuned for our next newsletter that will focus more on that.

God is transforming lives and people’s thinking here. That’s what we’ve written about in this month’s newsletter—the power of one verse of the Bible to transform lives.

The last few days we’ve been meeting with our colleagues here in the Pioneer Bible Translators west Africa branch in a time of spiritual retreat and to make decisions affecting the work here. We’ll be flying back to the US in a few days. Your prayers are appreciated as we make that trip and as we continue to check and correct the Lele Bible translation in the months to come.

Thank you again for being part of this exciting work.

Marc and Tina Gebhard

PBT – West Africa Branch

Please do not post information from this update on the internet or in other mass communication media without our permission.

Email: marc.gebhard

Phone: 214-971-2045 (Until December 2018)

Easy online donations:

You may also send personal mail and donations to:


P.O. Box 10184

Terre Haute, IN 47801

(Please make donation checks payable to “PBT” or “Pioneer Bible Translators” for a tax deductible donation, do not include our names on the check per IRS regulations.)

Gebhard Newsletter APR 2018.pdf