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Hey Folks!

Last month we started the KM Prayer Initiative and launched our campaign to pray for the Saldi family. They were so excited and encouraged to receive all the notes and to realize how many people were praying for them during that week. In keeping with this same concept, we have another missionary family to pray for.

The Fishels are missionaries in Zadvainiai, Lithuania. Ryan and Simona, along with their 4 beautiful children, minister in a small village church in Lithuania. They are very involved in a children’s ministry and also an orphanage where they have been discipling some of the young teens. A big praise is that they acquired a new building for their church. This will give them more space and room to grow. Please pray for the safety and well being of the members of the church and also those who they will minister to at the orphanage. Pray for salvation to come to the whole country of Lithuania.

Click here to let the Fishels know you’re praying for them:

If you missed out on what the KM Prayer Initiative is, please scroll down to get more info.

Thank you for your participation and active prayer for the Fishels in Lithuania!


Clayton J. Elliott
Pastoral Ministries and Prayer, Kontaktmission USA
clay (731) 217-1741

For giving options, see KMUSA is a US 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Questions? Call (731) 784-9422 or email: office

Prayer Initiative Launch!

Are you interested in learning about and praying for Kontaktmission missionaries stationed all over Europe?

Well, today marks the launch of Kontaktmission’s prayer initiative for our missionaries and their church plants as a way to encourage and support them!

KM missionaries are essential to spread the Gospel in Europe and beyond. Their efforts are changing lives for the Kingdom on a daily basis!

So, here’s how it works:

1. We’ll choose one missionary/missionary couple per week in an area in Europe where they serve.

2. You receive a profile on one of these KM missionaries each week.

3. You can learn a little about them, pray for them, AND let them know you’re praying by leaving your name at the link provided. Then you can also add a word of encouragement if you feel led.

4. At the end of the week, we send these missionaries the list of names to let them know how many people have been praying for them along with the words of encouragement.

These KM Missionaries don’t know that we’re praying for them.

It’s a surprise and an unsolicited boost of encouragement and intercession for these people and their team! Imagine the missionary’s joy to see people they may or may not even know who’ve been praying for them, their team, and their work for the Lord!

We want to send this to the chosen missionary by Saturday afternoon so that Sunday, one of their busiest days, will be even more full of joy and encouragement!

Remember, we are closing the petition on Saturday at 12:pm CST so that we are able to send it to them by Saturday afternoon.

Copyright © 2018 Kontaktmission USA, All rights reserved.
First, you expressed interest in our ministry by giving us your contact info at some point in the past, and I wanted to follow up with any questions or needs you may have. Thanks so much for signing up!

Our mailing address is:
Kontaktmission USAPO Box 825
Humboldt, TN 38343
