Top 5 Simple Ways
to Love Your (Literal) Neighbors
We wake up, we shower, we get dressed, we eat breakfast, we go to work, we come home, we eat dinner, we go to bed…rinse and repeat. Sounds all-too familiar, right?
It’s easy for us humans to get so stuck in our routines that we operate within a certain type of tunnel-vision. All we see is the next thing on the to-do list, or the next step in our daily routine. Often, this leaves blindspots around us.
In these blindspots are people who desperately need to be loved. Perhaps the folks in our blindspots are in the car next to us at the stoplight on the way to work each day. Or, maybe they are sitting in the next office over. It could be that they are working cash-register the day you decide to go out for lunch.
But, one of the places most often left out of our routine-fueled tunnel-vision is the very place we are hurrying to leave in the morning and hurrying to get back to after work: our home — our neighborhood, to put it more broadly. Whether we live in apartment complexes downtown, in a house in the suburbs, or on a farm in the country, there are dozens of people geographically nearby us that need love.
If we aren’t careful, these folks might just stay in our blindspots forever. What if today, or even everyday this week, we turn our heads slightly to the left or the right? What if we intentionally slow down our routine to leave an extra five minutes?
Maybe, just maybe, we will see an opportunity to love one of our (literal) neighbors. Jesus says to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). We know, thanks to the parable fo the Good Samaritan, that every person on this planet qualifies as our “neighbor.” And so many of our neighbors are within walking distance of our front doors!
To help you seize the next opportunity you see to love your literal neighbor, here are our “Top 5” simple ideas.
  1. Take your neighbor’s garbage and/or recycling bins back up to their entry way after they’ve been emptied. Imagine: You just got off a long day of work, and you pull into the garage…the first thing on your mind is to go inside and relax. But those pesky bins are at the end of the drive and need to be put away! That walk can feel like miles. This small gesture, especially done anonymously, is a great way to show your neighbor that someone cares for them.
  2. Write them a note. An introduction note, a note of encouragement, a thank-you note — take a few minutes and write a message to each of the neighbors on your street and place it in their mailbox. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your small act of kindness. Perhaps this could be the beginning of a friendship!
  3. Give out baked goods or treats. Cookies, candy, bread, whatever your specialty is, this can be accomplished in a single evening and made in bulk. Maybe your small group could join you in this effort as you knock on neighbors’ doors with plates of treats in hand. Almost anyone would be touched by this gesture. This is an especially nice way to show NEW neighbors that they are loved upon moving-in.
  4. Mow their lawn. This is one is for those specifically living in communities with yards. Spring is just around the corner, which means yard work will follow shortly after the first warm-up. Maybe while your neighbors are out for the day on a weekend, you could spend an hour or two cutting their grass. Imagine how surprised they will be when they get home!
  5. Host a neighborhood cook-out. Yes, this is a little bit more time-consuming and has a cost involved. But, hotdogs are relatively affordable in bulk. If you have a grill, fire it up in the front yard or at your local park. Free food is the oldest way of showing love and hospitality in the book. Pass out a few flyers to spread the word, or post it above your apartment complex mailboxes. A little bit of community will be exactly what someone needs to feel loved.
There you have it! Just a few simple ways to fulfill Jesus’ command to love your neighbor this week. We encourage you to try one of these ideas, then email us back with the story of how it goes! We’d love to connect with you.
Not Giving Up in Bangladesh
Many of the projects that IDES and our partners begin following a crisis can take months to complete. At first, this may seem daunting. But by the grace and provision of God, and by the perseverance of our partners, lives are radically changed in the long-term. Hope is made possible — it just takes time. Find out how your love encouraged families in Bangladesh not to give up during their recovery process.
Puerto Rico Update – March 2018
In mid-February following a reconnaissance trip by two staff members, IDES published a series of videos and a special report titled #PuertoRicoSeLevanta, translated “Puerto Rico will rise,” to raise awareness for families in Puerto Rico who are still recovering from the devastation of last fall’s Hurricane Maria. As is many times the case, most news agencies have moved onto reporting other stories despite the fact that the recovery work is far from over. It was our goal to make sure that these families’ stories would not be forgotten.
IDES is very pleased to report that thanks to your generosity in 2018 so far, the homes of three families in Puerto Rico will now be repaired and rebuilt in the name of Jesus. Read more about the families here:
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