Join us in praying for Kenya as a nation!
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And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statues of the Lord, which I am commanding you today for your good?

Deuteronomy 10:12

Go Together for His Glory

Dear Mission,
As we open God’s Word this week, let us be reminded of what it is he’s called us to: fear Him, walk in his ways, love him, serve him with all your heart and soul, and keep his commandments. We are able to serve and love communities well because of how God has loved and saved us. Deuteronomy gives us a good reminder of not only what, but who our foundation is for serving others. Join us this week as we pray for Kenya:
  1. Praise for the Nation:
    • Kenya has experienced peace after last year’s election despite disagreements between politicians. Thank God for this and pray that peace shall prevail and that the country will transition to a development focus.
    • We want to praise God for the plentiful rains we’ve experienced in the past. Plead with us though as the nation has experienced a long period of drought and most parts of Kenya suffer from water shortage and delayed farming. Ask the Lord to send abundant rain.
  2. Prayer Requests for the Nation:
    • There has been a trend of blatant disregard for the law and judicial processes by both the government and those opposing. Pray for this to end and for respectful and lawful working between leaders in ways that don’t push the nation to disorder.
    • While Kenya is reported to have about an 80% Christian population, the nation has disturbing levels of moral decay, secularism, and corruption in communities and families. Praise God for open windows to evangelize and for the unrestricted growth of churches. Pray for revival in the large Christian population and that their light would show brightly. Pray that God will catalyze believers to embrace Godly values to be examples and also to affect the world around them.
  3. Prayer Requests for LIA-Kenya: 
    • Praise God for the food container recently donated by Southeast Christian Church in conjunction with Lifeline Christian Mission to Narok. God has used this food to bring community leaders together to think about their community beyond the drought period.
    • Pray for the 100+ University Christian students who signed up to participate as Training of Trainers and Community Health Evangelists in their communities. Pray especially for the project officer who will be following up with some of the students who originate from the areas where LIA-Kenya is already present. Pray for God’s direction in engaging them together with our partner churches.
    • Praise God for the 40 churches who partnered with LIA-Kenya in 2017. Pray for the 4,652 people who were reached through evangelism and discipleship. Ask for God to establish them in faith and cause them to positively influence their communities.

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for Kenya!

In Christ,

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