In this eNews:
» The Charcoal Ladies
» Join Us for Discovery
Crimean Tatar Shepherd

The Charcoal Ladies

Rediscovering the Goodness of God

“I was trying to figure out if God was still good.” Denise shades her eyes from the sun and watches me. I brush ants off my legs as I scribble the statement on my yellow notepad. It looks ugly scrawled across the page. 

I listen to Denise talk about her life in West Africa. The sun falling across the picnic table where we sit grows hotter and heavier. “I was wondering why He allowed suffering in the lives of the people who love Him.” 

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2014 Ministry Overview

Join Us for Discovery

March in Yakima, Washington; June in Dallas, Texas

Encounter God at Discovery, an event designed to help you gain a vision for serving God’s kingdom with Pioneer Bible Translators. Explore ministry roles, meet missionaries, and learn about the skills necessary for cross-cultural, heart-language ministry.

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