Christmas Festivities
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New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan

Sam and Brittany Gill

February, 2017

Christmas and New Years, in Pakistan

Sam and Brittany in Minnesota, while in the USA, on their 17-State Tour.

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In our last Newsletter, we talked about our 17-State Tour and Trip to the USA.  We traveled, in the USA, from July to December.  We traveled over 7,342 miles.  (That is not including the Inner City Driving and International Flights).  And, we did this with two small children (ages 3 and 1).  In case you didn’t hear from us, for a while, we got a little busy!  We had meant to get this Newsletter out, sooner, but we did the best we could, managing our intense speaking schedule while managing a young family.

In Addition to over 7,342 miles traveled, we spoke in…

17 Churches
3 Christian Camps (One of them was a conference)
3 Bible Studies
2 Bible Colleges
1 Bible College Class
1 Bible College Mission Meeting
1 WA State Retirees Association Meeting
1 Newspaper Article/Interview
2 Christian Organizations
1 Men’s Prison (Sam)
1 Concert (Brittany sang)
1 Church Singing Engagement (Brittany)
The Creation Museum (Kentucky)

The states we visited were: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky.

In case you missed reading about this trip, and missed our last E-Newsletter, click HERE.

Returning to Pakistan, in December!

Sam and Brittany with the NHCMP Sewing Center Teacher and her husband.
The Schoolkids greeted Sam and Brittany at the door and also sang a song during the Church Service.
The Schoolkids were happy to get their picture taken with one of their teachers.
Sam and Brittany with the Schoolkids and the Sewing Center Overseer (on the left).

Christmas Music Program

We featured some honored guests, including some politicians.

Christmas Church Service 2017

Update on Rachel at Boise Bible College

Returning Back to Pakistan, this Summer

Rachel, our Christian young lady, from Pakistan, is appreciating her time at Boise Bible College.  She is very studious and is working hard to get on top of every assignment, early.  So far, she has been getting great grades!  She is thankful for this Biblical Education, and it will go far in helping her as she serves God, with her life.  She is planning to come back to Pakistan, this summer, after her One-Year Bible Certificate, to be helpful in our ministry, especially with our School, after her time at Boise Bible College.  We want to say a big thank you to everyone who helped us get Rachel to BBC.

Current Results, as a result from God and your Love, Support and Prayers…

1. January 28, 2016: 6 New Baptisms!