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The island of Pentecost between Waterfall and Ranwadi, July 2017.


God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!


F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E
Dear Reggie,

This month I’m excited to share with you all what Matt and I are doing right now. As soon as the kids went back to school in January, we moved into our office spaces at PBT’s International Service Center (ISC) and got to work!

Matt is still the Vanuatu Team Leader, Finance Coordinator, and helping with logistics from afar when needed. He is also:
~ Contacting PBT missionaries in training who haven’t chosen a country to serve in yet (ie. recruiting!) Sometimes it’s just by e-mail, but other times we get to hang out with some really fun people and talk and dream together about what God has in store for them!
~ Trying to help our team communicate well with each other while we are spread all over the place.
~ Closing out Team Vanuatu finances for 2017.
~ Started an Islands Prayer Meeting for stateside and overseas teammates to pray for Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and South East Asia on Monday afternoons.

I (Angie) am limited in what I can do for my role as Sunday School Coordinator for Vanuatu while we are stateside, so I am spending most of my time doing two part-time roles at the ISC.

The first role is back with my teammates in Development (what used to be called Mobilization). We began the Verse by Verse initiative before I left for Vanuatu and now I get to help people translate a verse of the Bible for those who desperately need it for just $38. The photo to the right is the first 117 amazing cards going out that tell people exactly which verse their gift paid to translate and for which people group. As I read the names of the donors and assign verses I pray that God would work through me and this initiative to further His Kingdom.

The second role is being the Personnel Coordinator in our Global Partnerships department. It’s been a steep learning curve but I finally feel like I’m contributing. Right now I am making personnel profiles and putting together grant proposal information to help our Ukrainian teammates. Click the box below (the one you probably can’t read) to watch a short video about our work in Brazil, Ukraine, the Philippines, and more!

Thank you for everything you do to take God’s Word to the nations!

Angie & Matt (and the kids)

Click Here!
Vanuatu Update

A few updates from the island…

~ Remember my friend and co-teacher Cristy Yan? She was hired as the new Finance Officer for the national office of the Vanuatu Churches of Christ. She now works with the Secretary General and other staff at the headquarters in Luganville. Congratulations frend blo mi!

~ The translators are in their villages drafting from Genesis and Psalms right now. They will head back to Santo for the next VISTA module in April.
House Update

Good news! (Sort of….)

Let’s just start with the fact that after two months, we finally have hot water in our house again – yay! No more cold showers or boiling water on the stove to wash dishes. The plumbers jack-hammered a hole in the floor and fixed the pipe. A week later Matt and a friend tried to reinstall our laminate flooring, but some pieces had gotten wet from the leaky pipe and just would not go back together. More friends to the rescue! They gave us enough leftover carpet squares to do the whole room. Our family spent a Sunday afternoon working together to make this room a reality! It’s so nice to have everyone really moved in now.

We have not made as much headway on the foundation issue, but we’re still working on it!

Praise God for friends who offer their help when we need it!

Pray that God will give us wisdom and peace as we move forward with an idea to fix the foundation.

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