Pioneer Bible Translators – Daily Prayer Guide | February 4 – 10

Russia Outreach Network / Impact Europe – Update 2/2018

TCM – Engage – Prayer Channel Video 2/2018

Lifeline Christian Mission – Sharing the Living Hope

Orchard Group – February 2018 News – New Project in San Francisco

I.D.E.S. – Kenya Farms Update, The Rohingya and more.

Team Expansion News – Brazil:  Helping Other Nations Send Workers

GNPI – Don’t miss the evidence of God’s faithfulness!

Life in Abundance International – Pray Together for DJIBOUTI!

Pioneer Bible Translators – Prayer Partner Letter | February 2018

Mercy Partners – Critical – 6 FEB 2018

Kontaktmission – New Prayer: Forgiven by God, Forgiving by God:  Why Can’t I Just Forgive Myself?

Eastern Christian Conference – My 200:  Dr. Ajai Lall

Team Expansion – Brigada Today 2018/02/04

The Weldys January 2018 Newsletter

CMF International – Good news stories from our world wide team! – February 9, 2018