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If I have heard it once, I’ve heard it hundreds of times. When people take the Relational Evangelism training the most common response is “Why didn’t I have this when I started in ministry?”  

An Elder in a mega church in the U.S. said “I wish I had learned this when I became a Christian 20 years ago.”
A 17 year mission veteran and now pastor of a large church in the U.S. said “Why haven’t I been using this for the past 30 years?”
A pastor of a mega church in Africa said, “I’ve been searching for these materials for 21 years!  I’ve found it.  This is amazing.”
Men, women, leaders, pastors, etc. all say the same thing.  Their lives and ministries are being dramatically impacted and changed.  

TOP;   To the left is pastor Ubongo.  He is the dynamic pastor of a congregation in Nigeria. If he said it once he said it a dozen times how this training is going to radicalize his life and ministry.
To his right is pastor Ita.  The training in Nigeria was held at his location.  He has been in politics most of his adult life.  He said that on our return there will be 1000 to 2000 at the next training. Yowzer.
LOWER LEFT;  We met with leaders in both countries to talk about future training.  We will do training in Ethiopian and Eritrean on our next trip to Ethiopia.  
LOWER RIGHT; We were handing out Certificates from Hope International University to all those who completed the training.
These men are contacts of Steve Holsinger.  Two of them work with 40,000 youth and want Steve to help train them to train all their youth across their country.  
The man to the left of me in the picture with the microphone was our translator in Ethiopia.  An amazing story.  He is an Eritrean refugee.  He was held in a prison for 3 years in Egypt. they saw no sunlight for months; had to get water out of the toilet.  He later arrived at an Eritrean refugee camp in Ethiopia where there were 50 Christians.  When he left there were 5000.  He is an inspiration and loves Relational Evangelism.
Steve Holsinger went with me on this trip.  He has made over 100 mission trips and has trained people from all over the world in It’s All About Relationship over the past several decades; in the congregation where he served in Alaska for 23 years there were people from 47 nations.  He leads a mission in South Sudan and has worked in Ethiopia, Russia etc.  It was an act of God to bring us together at this time in our lives.  He is a Relational Evangelism PRO.  At times in the past he had as many as 10 studies going a week. What a man of God.  He is seen here talking with Jackson Ndecheck who set up the trip to Nigeria.  
MORE TO COME ON THIS….BUT Bruce Logan is working with a number of chaplains to get RE/IAAR introduced and used in prisons in California.  Wow.
I want to say a huge thanks to all those who have given to help make this trip possible.  You are touching thousands of lives for Jesus in this.  Our next trip, Lord willing will be in June.  Start saving your money, we will need more help to make that trip happen.  
Copyright © 2018 John Hendee, All rights reserved. 
You are getting this because you know John. 

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