NBCM/DEAF Email 1/18

Jackie and I have thoroughly enjoyed our time with family and friends. Things will be getting very busy here soon though. I have one trip scheduled for Thailand and two Work Crews scheduled for Colombia this year so far. I will have just enough time in between trips to hopefully get Newsletters out and visit some churches. We are praying for opportunities to share at VBS and Church Camps again this summer as well. Contact us soon if you would like to to have us come visit and share.  


I have been searching for a new way to keep people posted on the ministry via email. Some of our supporters are not “Friends” with us on Facebook. Since our move to the new house, our monthly email updates have been impossible to continue. The fact that we do not have internet service at our home, means we are using our phones as Hot Spots. Finally, I have signed up for a service called “Mail Chimp”. I am hoping this will work as well for us as it has for my friends who have recommended it to me. It gives us the opportunity to email easily and also allows new people to sign up, change email addresses, and also to unsubscribe if necessary. If you know of others who would like to stay in touch with the ministry via email, then please let them know all they need to do is “subscribe”.


The Thailand deaf Christians had a wonderful opportunity to minister during Christmas. It has become a tradition in the ministry to have a Christmas Party for the deaf each year. As in years past, they were blessed to hold this years party at the Chiang Mai School for the Deaf. This provides the deaf Christians a chance to share not only Christmas gifts with the children at the school, but also the opportunity to share the Gospel as well. For those of you who are “Friends” with us on Facebook, you were able to see many pictures of those smiling faces. As mentioned before, this has become a tradition in the ministry and we plan to do it again next year. So if you feel lead to help the deaf Christians be able to do this again, please consider donating something special for the “Christmas Fund”. We would need those donations before Thanksgiving 2018 so all the arrangements and gifts can be purchased on time.


We are so Thankful for Pongsak and Nuey coming to the US this past summer. While they were here, we were invited to hold 10 weeks of VBS and Camps. Those weeks generated some incredible donations which helped offset their airfare and and expenses. Those donations improved our financial situation and helped got the ministry out of the red. We were even able to reimburse Jackie and I for ministry expenses we had personally taken care of. Thanks to all of you for making this blessing happen! It is our prayer that God will continue to bless us with continued generous support so we can not only be financially sound, but also able to proceed with projects we have on hold. Please keep all these things in your prayers! Take care and God bless!


One in Christ,


Dewayne & Jackie Liebrandt

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 582
Greenfield, IN 46140