
Thank you for being ready to pray at a moment’s notice.  We thank God for you.
For the first time that I can remember, 100% of my finances needed for a mission trip are already in hand.  Praise the Lord with us!!!
Now the real work begins – the spiritual preparation.
  • Ask the Lord to prepare my heart for the teaching and evangelism that we have planned (evangelizing among the Gouro – cannibal tribe & Baoule)
  • Pray that Satan’s schemes will be exposed and thwarted.  Pray that Jesus will show he is greater than any evil spirit (or Allah).
  • Pray for wisdom and health and safety.
  • Pray that our enemy’s common plan to go after Laura while I am gone will be blocked and the devil will be completely defeated on our home front.
Enough for now.  I’ll write more later.
Your prayers are more important than an airplane ticket – they are truly what will make the difference on this trip.
for Jesus’ sake, Tom & Laura

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“In His name the nations will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21