Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Thank you for praying!

Furlough Plans

Reggie, we are sending an abbreviated form of the PrayerFlash to get the word out about our travel plans to see supporters this autumn, and with some specific prayer requests in mind. While we haven’t booked tickets for travel yet, we intend to spend two to three months primarily in Virginia from around late September to early December. Please pray for us with the following in mind:

* We need ‘furlough’ replacements to occupy our house, care for the cats, and get ‘stuck in’ with local ministry opportunities. Are you someone who could do this? Or do you know someone who can?

* If we commence furlough travels from the Washington DC area, then we will be looking to borrow a vehicle for two months. Do you know someone who might be able to help with this?

Thank you for prayerful consideration and passing on to others.

‘Bus Stop Cafe’ at the litter pick. Yes, it was very cold on the day!

Prayer Points

Companions for Hope – working on application to register as a charity, maintaining involvement with local groups in the neighbourhood bringing the presence of Jesus, and working out next steps in gathering people to read the Bible together (some of whom have never done so before).

Rhema (Eritrean) Youth, Young Adults & English Worship – We now have an active prayer team, and continue to form the team focusing on the youth and young adults. Every second Sunday will be a worship gathering while the other Sundays will be focused on training and team development in the form of a Discovery Bible Study.

Forge Midlands – we finished last year’s inaugural year well; now the push is on to recruit for 2018. Please pray for laborers in the harvest who will take up the challenge! Please pray for those who participated last year to recruit with us, and for the phone calls and visits we need to make.

Please pray for preparations and participants in the training we are leading the first weekend in Feb.
Advance Notice!
We will be on the East Coast to share our mission updates with you in October and November. Read further for how you can help us to see YOU.

Ministry Update

We have been reviewing our Ministry Action Plans (MAPs) from the previous six months and writing new MAPs through June 2018. Many ‘thank you’ notes and cards have been written for the financial support we received through the end of 2017 – we were short of our budget and we’ll need to address that during our furlough. We have plans under way to bring together some of the people we’ve been discipling who are scattered hither and yon. Last week’s Neighbour Night was well attended, and our hub gathering for church planters and disciple-makers was thought-provoking as we talked about ‘shadow mission’ – those hidden agendas one has that sabotages Matt 28.18-20. Our Sunday worship service with the Eritrean youth focused on Romans 5.1-5 and how God builds hope in us – through our everyday circumstances!.

We feel the challenge and the promise of Proverbs 19.21, and ask you to pray that we are filled with God’s Spirit to more fully align our lives and missional activity with his purposes for us. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails!

We are recruiting for the 2018 Equip Britain cohort. Do you know someone who should apply? Pray, pass  the word, and please tell us! Click HERE for more information.

Prayer Points

Equip Britain – we’ve been assisting David and Teresa Fittro with curriculum development and mentoring. The six team members have done well, but now the focus is taking what they have been learning and implementing a few steps further so they finish strong and with some sense of where and what they will do next. Pray for couples and individuals for the next cohort beginning September 2018.

CPI Urban Hub – this gathering of people interested or engaged in church planting or disciple-making in an urban context has been inspiring and encouraging. We need to envision what comes next. Pray for wisdom and discernment for a new church plant or gospel community to come into being.

FCC Church Planting Coordinator – Forge and the CPI hub models have been experienced locally and now we need to see these developed in other places. Tim will particularly need to ratchet up his networking game these next six months. Please pray accordingly for us, and the strategy document he is writing to guide next steps.

A great visit with Jess for two weeks…and then a farewell at departures gate.
Below – elements of some of the training and discipleship material we are providing with Equip and churches. What do you think?
Share our prayer requests with friends and church family, but please do not post them on the web or attempt to contact individuals via any form of social media such as Facebook. Thank you for your understanding.

You can download a print version of this PrayerFlash by clicking HERE.
Click on or to read our blogs.

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Issue 213, 9 January 2017