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January 7 – 13

Strategic Prayer Focus

Prayer is foundational to every aspect of Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry. Please join us in praying for these strategic requests.

Pray that God will empower us to be instrumental in having networks of churches using Scripture to grow, mature, and multiply in all of our current translation projects within 20 years of starting.

Pray that God will bring our team members in Mainland Southeast Asia into contact with the right national co-workers so that each project will have all the personnel needed.     

Our translation teams in West Africa need literacy consultants, translation liaisons, and Scripture engagement specialists to join them. Pray that God will raise up personnel to fill these vital roles in each project where they are needed.      

Pray that God will enable our global partners to be sending 10 teammates from out-side the U.S. every year beginning in 2020.   

Our Media Arts and Communications team shapes the communications of Pioneer Bible Translators and tells the story of the Bibleless to inspire participation through prayer, financial partnership, and service. Pray that God will enable and inspire them in this vital ministry.     

Pray that God will add a team assistant, writer, editor, videographer, public relations specialist, and social media analyst to the Media Arts and Communications team in 2018. Pray that He will provide prayer and financial partners to undergird these new team members.     
Pray that God will bring the right new hearing and deaf teammates so that we become a team of 575 by the end of this year.

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