Join us in praying for Egypt as a nation!
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“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:18-19

Go Together for His Glory

Dear Mission,

Our God is so good to remind us that he is making all things new! As we join in praying for Egypt this week, let us not linger on the discouragements of the past, but look toward how the Lord is faithfully using them for his glory. Join us in lifting up Egypt as a nation:

  1. The Nation: Pray that God will intervene and bring peace to the economic inflation impact that has negatively affected so many in Egypt. Pray against the enemy’s attacks on the people of this nation and that his plans to steal, kill, and destroy would not prevail. 
  2. LIA Initiatives: Give thanks with us for the Early Childhood Development initiative launched out of the Sudanese Church of Christ in October with 24 children under the age of 5. Pray that the Lord will grow and develop these children mentally and spiritual, and allow the teachers to wholistically minister to the families.
  3. Praise: Praise the Lord for the incredible success of the Tanta Early Childhood Development initiative! Its impact is so great that we received an invitation to teach dental hygiene at the childhood festival for the 4 Muslim orphanages in town. Many different programs are developing through this initiative! Pray for the fruit and the favor of this initiative. 
  4. LIA-Egypt Staff: Praise God we finally have the program officer, Nasreldin Omar, joining our staff.  He is from Sudan living in Cairo for 16 years. He requests for prayer to withstand the many attacks of the devil and that he would settle easily in Egypt.

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for Egypt!

In Christ,

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