FAME Monthly Prayer Calendar                                   January 2018



Blessings in the New Year! Thank you so much for your continued support of the ministry of FAME through prayer. It is because of faithful prayer warriors like you that our ministry is strengthened and that people are being healed both physically and spiritually around the world through medical evangelism. We at FAME have seen God’s blessings this past year and we look forward to seeing what God has planned for the ministry in 2018.

This month we ask for prayers for a short-term medical mission team going to Myanmar at the end of the month. Please pray not only for the team members but also the missionaries with whom FAME will be partnering while in country. Pray also for the people the team will be helping while there that they will see God’s love shown through the help that is being provided.  

Another item of prayer is an upcoming FAME Board of Directors/Staff retreat and Strategic Planning meeting. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we look to the future of FAME and where God is leading us. We also ask for prayer for the individual FAME Board Members and Staff as the new year begins.

We here at FAME appreciate your prayers as we serve both here in the US and abroad.

Blessings to all of you in this New Year,

Lisa Law
FAME Office Manager


Click here for the FAME Prayer Calendar

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4545 Southeastern Avenue
IndianapolisIN 46203
(317) 358-2480