Disciple Makers

In this issue of News and Notes…

2800+ Baptisms in 2017
Our director of ministry in Nepal writes, “Entering into the new year, we look back with gratitude at how the Lord has blessed the humble beginnings of ministry.  In December 2001, only a few of us were involved in the ministry of Disciple Makers in Nepal.  During the early years…
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11 Unengaged People Groups Reached

In December of 2015, Disciple Makers committed to engaging the remaining 33 unengaged people groups in Nepal (size 10,000 or greater).  Over the last 2 years…  Read More


“PUENTES” – Bridging the Gap for Latin American Missionaries

This year, Lord willing, we will see one of our first Latin Americans (supported by Latin American churches) take her first step towards serving the Lord as a …

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Consider a Year-End Contribution

We know that anything we do, or any fruit we are fortunate enough to see, is only through the mighty hand of God.  We also recognize that it is through faithful partners…
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