Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
    December 2017
The VandeLinde Family

Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah 
& Analise 

La Cosecha
“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:47b

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission’s (EDCM) main purpose is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ and form those disciples into congregations.”  We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God and the Savior of the world.  And because of that belief, we work hard to spread that good news and share it with others in our community.  While working in the Dominican Republic provides many opportunities for good humanitarian work, EDCM continues to maintain a very spiritually focused vision.  We do provide education to over 400 students daily and see dozens of patients through our medical outreach program weekly, but our main goal will always be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with each and every student, patient and parent.      

As we bring 2017 to a close, we look back on an exceptional year for EDCM with many of our ministries breaking records!  In many ways, we feel like 2017 was the year of “La Cosecha,” or the “Harvest.”  As our dedicated team of Dominicans, Costa Ricans, Americans and Haitians worked together to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, we are encouraged by the fruit of our labor seeing 82 new believers give their lives to Jesus and be baptized!  Therefore, we thank the Lord for “adding to our number daily those who were being saved.”
We cannot thank YOU enough for partnering with us and helping us fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.  Your prayers, financial support and short-term mission trips are all a part of “La Cosecha” and we are very thankful.  

Here are some of the pictures of the new believers and those who now have eternal life in Heaven with Jesus Christ.   



How Can I Partner with EDCM?

Each year someone asks me “How can I partner with EDCM?”  This is a wonderful question that brings a lot of joy to a missionary’s heart.  As 2017 draws to a close, we encourage you to pray about partnering with us as we continue to make disciples in the Dominican Republic.  Here are some of our current projects for 2018.
Larger Projects
Bible Institute-$9,000
  • $1,000 per student
  • Currently 9 students
  • This covers:
    • Two years of Bible Training through El Centro de Entrenamiento de Liderazgo
    •  8-12 Workshops led by missionaries, professors, pastores, etc…
    • New laptop that includes LOGOS Bible Software (in Spanish)
    • All books needed for two year course
Christian Radio Station–$2,500
  • Start-up Costs for a New Christian Radio Station.  This includes microphones, cables, two computers, a mixing console, and other start-up costs
Water Purifying System– $20,000

  • This will be a legal water purifying system that will provide clean drinking water to the Higuey Community.  It will also provide some revenue for the Higuey Christian Church
Haitian Church Building–approx. $35,000

  • To build a one level auditorium for one of
  •  our Haitian church plants
Smaller Projects

Higuey Christian Church
  • 4-Batteries for Invertor– $500-600     
  • Paint church building– $500
  • More chairs for auditorium–$800
  • New Glass windows for auditorium–$2500

Medical Outreach
  • Medicines: Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc…
  • Medical supplies: blood sugar test strips, testers, etc…
  • Pill Bottles

La Romana Christian Church
  • New Church sign–$750
  • New Drum Set–$800
  • 2 Wireless Microphones–$300
  • New guitar amp–$400

Punta Cana Christian Church

  • New Church sign–$750
  • New sound board mixer–$1000
  • Sound Reducing Panels–$1000
Punta Cana Christian School
  • Paint for entire building–$400
  • New desks–$500
  • Playground updates–$500
  • More computers–$1000

RL Ministries (Rap Music Ministry)
  • 2 new songs recorded–$400      
  • 2 music videos filmed–$1,500
  • US Tour in 2018–$2,000

Haitian Ministries 
(Includes Two Haitian Congregations)
  • Motorcycle for transportation of lead minister–$1000
  • Guitar–$300


ICOM and Church Visits
November was an incredible month for EDCM as the Director, Ryan VandeLinde, and three of our Dominican leaders traveled the countryside of Illinois for several weeks.  They visited several of our church partners sharing the great things God is doing through EDCM.  They also represented EDCM at the annual missionary convention called ICOM.  It truly was a trip full of many blessings!  
A HUGE thanks to everyone involved for provided food and housing for our team along with many “firsts” for our Dominicans: American football game, ice skating, farming with a combine, riding a four wheeler, riding a Segway, preaching in the US, preaching in English, attending a large Christian conference, seeing a professional baseball stadium (Busch Stadium), going to the top of the Arch in St. Louis, and eating a lot of chicken fingers:).
Thank You! 

Website & Facebook

Check out our website and follow us on Facebook.  
Facebook: Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Twitter: #EDCMmissions

In This Issue
La Cosecha
ICOM and Church Visits
Contact Information
Prayer Needs and Requests

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations


  • Please see bottom left column for the full list of physical needs


  • The opening of the Bible Institute that will be starting in January
  • The nine students that will be attending the Bible Institute in January
  • May God form these students into preachers and teachers of His Word
  • For 2018 and the goals that each church plants would like to accomplish
  • That EDCM would continue to thrive in 2018 reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ
  • The VandeLinde family and their transition to living in the US
  • The Dominican and Haitian leaders as they continue moving towards self-sufficiency


  • 82 baptisms this year!
  • Wonderful year of La Cosecha
  • The opening of the Bible Institute in January
  • Wonderful visit to several partnering churches in November
  • A wonderful ICOM visit in Peoria in November
  • For the wonderful team of Dominicans and Haitians that are working daily in the Dominican Republic
  • For our of the EDCM partners throughout the world 
  • Self-sufficiency: each of our church plants continues to move toward being self-sufficient or self-sustainable

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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