You Can Bring Hope to Drought Victims in Kenya
Drought has oppressed the Turkana people of Northwest Kenya for the past four years. It has left the oldest and youngest most vulnerable to malnutrition and death. The written reports we have received along with pictures of cracked earth and livestock carcasses have been heart wrenching.
Thanks to your generosity, IDES is working with several mission partners to provide life-saving food in the Turkana region (and other areas affected by famine). But the distribution of emergency food rations only relieves famine for a period of time.
With your help we can provide a longer-term solution to drought and famine in the Turkana region. IDES has partnered with trusted CMF missionaries on several projects. They have developed an alternative form of hunger relief by creating irrigated farms.
A well is dug and solar power is used to run the pumps, enabling villages to irrigate enough land to sustain life for at least 10 families. The food produced on the farms has brought down cases of malnutrition to nearly zero in these villages. Selling any excess crops provides much needed income for the farmers. Our mission partners estimate that the impact of each irrigated farm extends to as many as 200 people.
Due to the overwhelming success of the existing sites, our mission partners want to establish twenty more irrigated farms in 2018. The cost per farm is $15,000. They have submitted a formal proposal to IDES and we would like to finance at least ten farms. However, we cannot accomplish that goal without your help!
Your gift for this project will make an enormous difference for the Turkana people physically and spiritually. Our mission partners use this outreach to teach better farming methods, promote community health education (CHE), and most importantly, proclaim the Word of God.
Please prayerfully consider a gift that will bring this life-saving, and life-changing blessing to even more families and villages. You can make hope possible by selecting an amount and submitting your information at the following link.