Lifeline Christian Mission
the gift of JOY
He came down that first Christmas night.  
Announced by angels. Celebrated by shepherds.
Worshipped by wisemen. Treasured by a mother.
Joy had come for all.
Today you can share His joy with…
the homeless in Haiti, the hungry refugee in Africa,
the child who desperately wants to attend school in Honduras,
and the hopeless in Arizona who all cry out for peace and hope…
a joy that can’t be found in a home, a meal, a person, or a bottle.
The gift of Joy – our Jesus – needs shared with everyone, everywhere!
This Christmas season, you can extend His love with the hungry,
the homeless and the hopeless. Through your generous donations,
you are offering His Joy to a child…a mother…a family.
Give them a reason to celebrate Christmas this year.
Give the gift of Joy!

If you have recently made a gift of Joy, thank you!

Christmas gift package