

We are so honored that so many that have chosen to partner with us in helping to restore single mothers and their children back to God’s good intent for their lives. The low-income single-mothers at The Restoration House are some of the most driven and committed women we have ever known, and are making tremendous strides in leading their families and succeeding in their unique plans for self sufficiency while they are with us!

Please take a moment to celebrate with us as you read through all the latest updates below.  

May we all come to experience the restoration and wholeness God has for each of us.

Thank you for partnering with us.

Daniel Watson

Cofounder, Executive Director 


Holiday Fun

Recently volunteers from Alpha Kappa Psi, a business fraternity at The University of Tennessee, spent some time with our families kiddos leading crafts and game time during our JustLead Program, helping get everyone in the holiday spirit. Our kids painted pumpkins, traced turkeys, and made a countdown to Christmas chain – and we loved seeing their excitement! 


Director of Programs

 Lori Haskell has been with The Restoration House for almost seven years. Over that time she has developed our volunteer program, retooled our ally program and invested countless hours empowering others to come alongside the families of The Restoration House.  She owns the mission of restoration in her professional and personal life.  

We are thrilled to announce she has accepted the promotion of Director of Programs.  As Lori continues to deepen her skills she has been investing time for 12 months in UTK’s Consortium for Social Enterprise Effectiveness. In this new role, Lori will oversee all the program staff, including the Housing and Community Life Coordinator, Family Advocates, and community partnerships.  She will ensure that The Restoration House continues operating with high program integrity and extreme quality.  

Please send her your congratulationwhen you have an opportunity. 


Our Wish List

There are several things that would make life at The Village, and for some of our families, operate more smoothly.

  • Grocery store and gas station gift cards for family crisis situations
  • Canister (bagless) vacuum’s for new families moving in 
  • 2 wheel barrows, as well as large & handheld outdoor/garden tools
  • Sports ball storage rack for After School Program
  • Rolling utility/media cart for classes
  • 2 door lockable metal storage cabinet for supplies
  • Amazon gift cards for office supplies/needs
  • Golf cart with utility rack on the back for property maintenance 
  • Carpet shampoo/steamer 

If you or someone you know could help with any of these items, please let us know! Email


We’re Hiring!

In preparation for the expansion through the completion of The Village, TRH is hiring a Housing and Community Life Coordinator and Family Advocate. Learn more here

What A Celebration It Was!

On Nov 1st we were joined by over 260 guests at Hunter Valley Farms for our 10th Annual Restoring Hope Luncheon! It was a wonderful time of not only celebrating 10 years of walking alongside low-income single-mother families, but also of seeing the potential for even more profound impact over the next 10 years with the expansion of The Village. 
We are so grateful for everyone who came, our event sponsors, those who hosted tables, who made a financial investment, and that volunteered their time and services to make it so special!

Through the tremendous generosity of so many at the luncheon, over $145,000 was invested in the lives mother-led families! We are extremely honored!

We also got to reveal our brand new video “Rooted” that day, highlighting the stories of a few of our graduate families that inspire us all. They are such sweet examples of what God does through TRH. If you weren’t able to join us, or wish you could share the video with someone else who couldn’t be there, click here to access “Rooted” now


Volunteers Help Make It Happen

There is no way could accomplish all we have to in any 
given month, without our dedicated volunteers. Like the 
small group class from Two Rivers Church who came 
out and finished painting and preparing one of the apartments 
to get it ready for a new family to move in.

And our volunteers come in all ages! Recently a large group 
of middleschoolers from Grace Baptist Academy
and worked for several hours pulling weeds, trimming bushes, 
raking mulch and much, much more to help us get the flower 
beds and grounds cleaned up for the winter.


If you or your group would like to volunteer please 