News and updates of how God is working through FAME and our ministry partners to send help and hope in the name of Christ to the world through medical evangelism.



And here we are at the end of another year!  2017 has been a busy one for FAME: 

  • We have 13 sustainable healthcare projects on the drawing board or under construction in Haiti, India, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines and Zimbabwe.
  • We recently approved two new scholarships for medical students, one in Kenya and one in Brazil. This brings our total to nine students! 
  • Our short-term trips are finished for 2017 but we are currently recruiting team members for 2018 trips to Myanmar, Honduras, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Ghana
  • In the next few weeks we will ship two containers of medical supplies and equipment to the Charles Selby Memorial Hospital in the Philippines and one to Mashoko Christian Hospital in Zimbabwe. 

The result of all of these activities is that more and more people are receiving loving care and hearing the good news of the gospel.  Thank you for for your prayers, your financial gifts and your partnership in this important work. 

God Bless! 


Bill Warren
Executive Director



Contributions made to a charity by credit card are deductible as a charitable contribution in the year that the charge is made. Therefore, contributions made by credit cards that are processed by midnight on December 31 will be deductible for the tax year. Charges processed any time after that will be deductible for the new tax year. To make a charitable contribution to FAME with a credit card for 2017 please visit our FAME secure donation page.

Contributions made by check follow a so-called “delivered-when-mailed” rule. Under the “delivered when mailed” rule, if a taxpayer mails a check to a charity, the date of mailing is deemed the date of delivery. Normally, the date on a U.S. Mail postmark will conclusively establish the date of mailing.

Thank you for considering FAME in your year-end giving. Your donations do make a difference.



Medical missions teams are made up of both medical professionals and nonmedical team members. Usually, medical teams are about 15 members and one-third of them are typically medical professionals. Medical training or not, you can play an important part in God’s work. Doctors, nurses, dentists and other medical professionals play an obvious role on medical teams but so do electricians, teachers, business people, pastors, stay-at-home moms and anybody else with a heart for Christ are needed just as much. They are critical to the overall team.

Trips scheduled for next year include:

  • Myanmar – Jan. 26-Feb 10
  • Myanmar – Feb 9-24
  • Honduras – March 2-10
  • Dom. Republic – June 8-16
  • Ghana – Sept. 24-Oct. 6
  • Haiti – Oct. 19-27

Click here for more information or contact Lonnie Burley, Director of Short-Term Trips. 




(Click here for the new Kenya video)

I can still relate to that anxious anticipation. How about you? But anticipation is one thing, actually waiting is another. 

What if the wait is to learn whether or not you have contracted a potentially deadly disease that will change the course of your life dramatically? Now how long do you want to wait? 

An hour? A day? A week? How about four weeks? Four weeks is how long a typical patient at Ewaso Nyiro Clinic in Kenya used to wait for test results. And not just any test results, but the results of their HIV tests. 

But not anymore! Because of a specialized piece of equipment, the CD4 Counter, provided by FAME, HIV test results are now available in just 30 minutes!

Did I say that the true gift of the CD4 Counter was provided by FAME? Well, actually it was provided by you and other FAME partners like you! Thank you! 

No longer do dedicated medical professionals have to guess about treatments – they can know. Again, thank you!

FAME continues to work with the Community Health Partners (CHP) in Kenya to upgrade their laboratory so they can receive important government certification. Once certified, the clinic will be able to open its doors to even more of the underserved and untouchable in the name of Jesus through medical evangelism(click here for a video)

Paul, a lab technician of CHP recently told Andy Schamerloh and me, “FAME’s partnership in providing the CD4 Counter is allowing us to treat patients at all nine of our clinics through the central lab”. Let me stress once more-when Paul says FAME, he means you! 

And you send more than just the CD4 Counter. Here’s a short list of what you’re providing through your FAME partnership. 

  •  Nine CHP clinics are being served by the laboratory.
  • 30-minute patient results instead of four weeks with the CD4 Counter.
  • Kenyan leaders trained in Community Health Evangelism (CHE).
  • The good news of the Gospel is being shared with many thousands of patients. 

In 2017, the Ewaso Nyiro Clinic alone physically treated at least 12,523 patients with healing care in the name of Jesus, the Great Physician. They anxiously anticipate that number will increase to 15,000 in 2018.

But your partnership doesn’t stop with medical treatment-remember, as often as possible (nearly always) the physical care comes with an opportunity to explain the Christian faith and the spiritual salvation found in Jesus.  In 2017, that number was at least 20,000!

So just one question, would you like to help provide hope and healing to patients in Kenya and 40+ other countries around the world? Through a special gift between now and the end of the year, you can do just that.

No matter the size of your gift, it provides hope and healing. More importantly, it provides an opportunity to receive the TRUE GIFT because, “unto us, a child was born, unto us a son (God’s Gift) was given.” 

Click here to make your online donation

Merry Christmas to you and your family!



As we near the end of 2017, FAME will be closed on the following days….

Friday, December 22 – Tuesday, December 26. We will reopen on Wednesday, December 27. We will also be closed on January 1st.  Gift in-kind donations can be made at the Southeastern address between 8:30a and 4:30p Monday- Friday. 

May you and your families have a blessed Christmas and New Year!