Eleven Ways You Are Making a Global Impact


Discover 11 exciting ways you are sharing the hope of Christ with people around the world through your partnership with GNPI… READ MORE

Venture in Faith Podcast: J. Lois Rees


J .Lois shares about serving as a missionary with her husband in China, Burma, and India. She also explains how the Lord led her to keep serving despite being forced out of certain areas and the tragic loss of her husband in an accident.





Eternal Impact


Special family relationships are often on our minds during the holidays. With your help GNPI has been blessed to work alongside Dr. Ajai Lall and his family to share the Gospel in culturally relevant ways throughout India for nearly 30 years…


Cultural Relevancy

among the Deaf

Mike Schrage


The team gathered for delicious pork sandwiches, jalapeños, pork rinds, and jowls. The conversation was lively and spirited with the history, outcomes, and dreams of our team at GNPI-Piedras Negras, Mexico…  READ MORE

Ever used a bucket?
Contact us to learn how this great tool can simplify your estate planning.
 (Learn More)


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