I can’t believe we’re coming to the end of 2017! Thank you for celebrating TCM’s 60th anniversary with us this year on the Prayer Channel.  We hope that you’ll continue praying with us in 2018! There’s lots to come! So stay tuned.
Attached is a special “Celebrating 60 Years” report we would like to share with you as we end 2017 celebrating the amazing things God has done through this ministry. 
Click the image below to watch this month’s Prayer Channel email. 
 Having trouble viewing?  CLICK HERE to go directly to the video on Vimeo. 
                                                                                     –Tom Sears 
                 Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”
Address postal inquiries to:
TCM International Institute
6337 Hollister Dr
PO Box 24560
Indianapolis, IN 46224-0560