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November 26 – December 2

Published Scripture

As translated Scripture is published in varying formats – print, audio, digital – for people groups served by Pioneer Bible Translators, please pray for its impact on hearers’ lives.

Pray that heart-language Scriptures will be widely distributed so that everyone in the entire people group will have access to them.

Pray that reading and hearing these Scriptures will deepen the faith of believers in each community and draw the attention and interest of those who do not yet believe.     

Pray for unity among the believers in each language group as a testimony that the message these Scriptures proclaim is true.     

Pray that marriage and family patterns will be transformed as people grasp God’s plan for how husbands and wives should treat each other and how parents should rear their children.  

Pray that unbelievers will see how Christ changes people and that this will create in them a desire to follow Him.    

Pray that believers will have a burning desire to share Christ with others within their home communities and beyond the reaches of their language group.     
Pray that God’s Word will penetrate the heart of everyone who hears it so that entire people groups become transformed.

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