Catching the Vision


Your gifts are breathing new life into church planting efforts in the Philippines! Paul Wilson and his wife have been working in the central Philippines since 1984. This island has approximately 100 churches, and the goal of Paul and the Filipino church leaders is to double the number of churches in the next three years. Paul invited some of the brightest young people from the different churches to come to Bacolod for GNPI’s Project Nomad training last May… READ MORE

Venture in Faith Podcast: Carl Lawrence


Carl served as a missionary in Asia with the Far East Broadcasting Company. He later became director of missions and a speaker for the “Haven of Rest” radio program. 





Tools in the Toolbox


The Project Nomad-Santiago, Chile, team wants to help Spanish-speaking churches grow and to provide quality media for their outreach. The following video shows a sample of one resource they’ve designed. The music is original. This project will ultimately include background elements along with instructions on how to put together a high quality visual presentation along with the audio background. 


Propelling Church Planting

Mike Schrage


Like many dreams, this one started small with a casual conversation. I met Sergio Alvarado while speaking at a missionary retreat. This young man from Pachuca, Mexico, has a passion for church planting and saw media as a means to that end. We talked and prayed. Over time, GNPI invested training…  READ MORE

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