Brigada Today 2017/11/12
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Go to…1) Discover Tools for Greater Personal Effectiveness on the Field
Go to…2) Discipleship Plans in Chinese and Thai
Go to…3) Self-Regulating During The Holidays – Facebook Live Event series
Go to…4) Get Professional TEFL Certificate Online
Go to…5) The Call Discipleship Training School (DTS)
Go to...6) Has Anyone Read this Book on Global Faiths?
Go to…7) How Do You Decide What do Work On Next?
Go to…8) New Book: Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil
Go to…9) Could You or Your Group Make the Difference for Brigada?
Go to…10) Families in Ministry – How to Thrive, not just Survive
Go to…11) REAL ID Could Mean Yours Won’t Be
Go to…12) Learn to Be More Resilient
Go to…13) We’re Grateful…
Go to…14) What Compels You to Give Your Moments to Christ?
Go to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Discover Tools for Greater Personal Effectiveness on the Field


Crossroads is a two-week restoration program, scheduled in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jan. 7-19, 2018, featuring counseling, group work, and opportunities to gain insight, improve coping skills and learn new tools for greater effectiveness. It will include such daily components as devotionals, daily teaching on topics such as burnout, conflict resolution, anger management, soul care, etc., group counseling sessions, and individual or couples counseling sessions (offered 3 times each week). It will happen at Horizon Village and Resort, situated in a lovely botanical garden several kilometers east of Chiang Mai. For more information, visit…

Better visit soon though. The registration deadline is December 1st. (Thanks for bubbling this up to us, Jenny!)

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3) Self-Regulating During The Holidays – Facebook Live Event series


Join the Global Counseling Network (GCN) “live” on Wednesday, Nov. 16th, at 6 p.m. Eastern Time, for the first event in their Facebook Live series called “Where You Are.” Kelley Munger will lead off with “Self-Regulating During the Holidays.” Whether for you or those you serve, GCN hopes for Where You Are to be a series that addresses timely topics that will move all toward wholeness in any setting. Follow the link:

It’s quick notice, so maybe the live event won’t be possible, but no worries. A recorded video version of the list event will remain posted afterward so you can pick it up at your leisure. Less stress that way. : )

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4) Get Professional TEFL Certificate Online


Looking to land a job overseas in Teaching English As A Foreign Language? Now you can get the training you need to teach English to arriving refugees or to obtain genuine work abroad. You can start anytime with this online course! ConnecTEFL is an affordable 120 hour teaching English as a foreign language certification program. The course can be taken online anywhere in the world. The certificate meets the globally accepted TESOL International short-term certificate standards. For more info, see…

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5) The Call Discipleship Training School (DTS)


Do you hear The Call of the Kingdom? If your passion is church leadership, children at risk or reaching the unreached, this YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS) is for you! Check out

It will run February 12-July 1, 2018 at YWAM Lebanon, PA. 3 tracks for 1 kingdom, 1 people, 1 Call!

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6) Has Anyone Read this Book on Global Faiths?


Here’s a brand new book in a series of works on urban ministry entitled, “Engaging Muslims & Islam: Lessons for 21st-Century American Evangelicals (Global Faiths) (Volume 1).”

We happen to know the series editor. He has trained and worked extensively in urban outreach. We’ve seen him at work and he’s the real deal. This book SHOULD be a valuable contribution to the next step in understanding Islam and loving Muslims. If you’ve read it, would you please write a quick review by clicking “Comment” following the web version of this item? Thanks.

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7) How Do You Decide What do Work On Next?

Do you ever face that question? You’ve made a task list and prioritized it (though some of the items on the list will take 30 days to build or write or make, while others will be over in one simple phone call), but even as you stare at this list, your email inbox is kind of nagging at you, badgering you to chip away at those 142 messages. Which do you tackle first? How does one decide whether or not to go do 10 emails, tackle the phone call, or split the 30-day project into bite-size chunks then tackle the first chunk? What’s YOUR rationale for figuring out what to work on next? (Please — click comment after the web version of this item. We’re eager to hear your input.)

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8) New Book: Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil


This book answers key questions like what churches are reproducing and multiplying, and “what should be done to assure church multiplication in Japanese soil?” A $2.99 digital version is on sale through Nov 27th at

This book would be great for anyone working in Japan, mobilizing or preparing to work among the world’s 2nd largest unreached people group.
Learn more at ….

For a Podcast interview with J.D. Payne

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9) Could You or Your Group Make the Difference for Brigada?


You or Your Group Could Be the One to Make the Difference
Since January 1995, Brigada Today has served thousands on a weekly basis. Many have given gifts of $100, $500, and even $1000 or $2000 to fund our nominal costs. The total annual budget, if we were to be exact, comes in at $17,120, which covers the costs of web servers, emailing services, and one part-time staff person to help with publishing and communication. The costs are not great. The pre-school teacher who watches your small child probably makes more in a year than we ask for a full year’s work with Brigada. We don’t charge a subscription fee. And if donations were ever to surpass $17,120, we would apply any overage to the next year. In other words, this is not an attempt to raise big bucks or pad someone’s pocket. It’s simply offering you a chance to participate in something you love. If you’ve appreciated Brigada, here’s your giving opportunity. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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10) Families in Ministry – How to Thrive, not just Survive


The book is designed as a training manual for Families in Ministry with the purpose to encourage them to find a healthy balance as a family while being involved in ministry. It is now available in 6 languages. Each chapter starts with a teaching unit regarding the topic and is followed by worksheets for personal reflection, suggestions for spouse and/or group discussion, suggestions for family activities (with the purpose to share the topics with their kids) and information for additional resources regarding the topic. For more info, visit…

(Thanks Jenny!)

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11) REAL ID Could Mean Yours Won’t Be

Remember that for those who are residents of in the USA of Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, or Washington, in spite of the fact that your driver’s license is valid for driving, it will no longer be valid for air travel after January 22, 2018. Of course, you’ll still be able to use your passport, permanent resident card/green card or a military ID. To learn more, visit…

(Thanks again for reminding us of this, Jenny.)

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12) Learn to Be More Resilient


This is a holistic resiliency training experience for Christian cross-cultural workers offering connection and co-learning, spiritual refreshment and soul care, and rest and discovery in southern Spain. It’s called “Adelante” and is being offered in Málaga, Spain, April 7-12, 2018. For more info, visit…

(We owe you big-time, Jenny! Thanks for suggesting these items.)

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13) We’re Grateful…

…for all those who have pitched in so far in 2017. Thanks to their help, we are nearly at the halfway mark for our annual budget needs and goals.

This past week, an anonymous donor heard that we had begun our end-of-year appeal and responded by sending a $100 gift. Another pitched in $20. Another friend send $40. Yet another, just yesterday, $50. We’re so grateful. Thank you and may God bless you!!!

In fact, your fellow Brigada participants have now pitched in $8275.33 so far in 2017. Could you or your church/group shave off $100 from the $8724.67 that remains? If just you and 2 friends would pitch in $100 for an end-of-year gift, you would tip the scales so that we were indeed over halfway home. If you’ve ever used an item in Brigada or if you’d like to give on behalf of someone who can’t, just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) What Compels You to Give Your Moments to Christ?


Is it because you want to escape Hell? Or is it something deeper? What if you experienced the LOVE of Christ… more than ever before. Now THAT is something that could power you through the long cycles of challenge and despair. Paul said it was Christ’s mercy (Romans 12:1) and love (2 Corinthians 5:14-15) that compelled him to give his whole life as if it were a living sacrifice. John Piper puts it this way:

(Thanks for pointing me to this article by Piper recently, Justin Long.) So how do we experience Christ’s love in such a way that it becomes our inner motive? One first step is reading His Word. Did you ever have a pen pal? Then you know it’s possible to begin to care deeply for someone just by reading their words. Reading Jesus’ Word is a terrific way to grow in our care for Him. But isn’t it a shame that missionaries and pastors alike, even though they serve Jesus professionally, can become cavalier about reading Jesus’ Word? If you are really serious about rediscovering the love of Christ and letting that love compel you forward, then take the first step and dive into His Word again today PERSONALLY, not just professionally. Start just by reawakening a daily habit to read a chapter of His Word daily — for FUN, not for lesson planning. Then reflect and pray, asking him to speak to you personally. Whatever He says, share it with someone else today. (What about Jesus best captures YOUR heart and compels you forward? Just click “Comment” following the web version of this item. Share what you’re experiencing.)

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15) Subscription Information


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To Submit An Item — We love to feature your news & resources! To find out how, read our submission guidelines and use the web form at:

Disclaimer –
We can’t screen ’em all. Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information! The web is constantly changing. We’ll do our best to scout it out in advance, but if the sea changes after we visit a site to check it out, please forgive.

Please Don’t Subscribe Us To Your List Without Asking –
Sorry, nothing personal, but we’re already deluged.

Warning About Forwarding Emails –
Just say no! 🙂 Read our thoughts about forwarding emails at

Donate to Brigada –

To give online, just click “Donate” in the upper right at Or if you’re reading this via email, scroll to the bottom to find a handy link. By the way, you don’t need a PayPal account to give. If you reach a screen asking for your PayPal I.D., look on the left side of the screen, about halfway down, and find the prompt which says, “Continue without a PayPal Account.” If you’d rather send an old-fashioned check, just make it payable to Team Expansion and send it to: Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299, USA. (And by the way, Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so for USA citizens, your checks made out to Team Expansion are tax-deductible.) Thanks to those who have suggested this cause to their local church missions committees, mission teams, and/or missions ministers/pastors. We appreciate you!

Privacy Information –

We will never give your information to anybody. We won’t market you, won’t hassle you, and won’t ever bother you. You will NEVER be signed up for mailings you didn’t request. Your address is safe and your future is secure. Life is good. 🙂

Copyright — This issue of _Brigada Today_ is Copyrighted 2017. However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available on the Brigada website, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached. To copy or reproduce Brigada Today for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted.

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