Brigada Today 2017/10/22
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Equipping Local Churches for Missionary Care
Jump to…2) Get Valuable Perspective on Your Cross-cultural Service
Jump to…3) “End the Era of Orphanages?” What Does That Mean?
Jump to…4) Parables from Nature
Jump to…5) New Programs on Buenas Nuevas Radio
Jump to…6) “We Have Stopped Supporting You” — Chilling Words, Funny Article
Jump to…7) TESOL Training in Asia
Jump to…8) Still On a Quest for a Great Piece of Accounting Software?
Jump to…9) Perhaps We Lose Too Many Children Because They Aren’t Soldiers?
Jump to…10) Here at the “World’s Smallest Hotel” You Can Find Peace?
Jump to…11) Still Lost in the Wonder of Matthew 9:35-38
Jump to…12) This Headline Still Bothers Me:
Jump to…13) Any of These Ten Key Trends for 2017 Surprise You?
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: How Much Would You Risk to Rescue?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Equipping Local Churches for Missionary Care


God powerfully designs local churches to care for missionaries. But how can churches learn to do that well? Check out the International Conference on Missions on November 16-19 in Peoria, IL. Attend six different workshops featuring the likes of Neal Pirolo and more. Help your church be better partners in the Gospel with your missionaries so together you can impact the world.

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2) Get Valuable Perspective on Your Cross-cultural Service


ABIDE is a 5-day re-entry debriefing to equip participants to navigate the challenges of re-entry and to move forward toward renewal in the next season of ministry. Whole families are able to process their cross-cultural experiences, as they offer simultaneous adult and TCK programs. Learn more about upcoming debriefings and content at…

(Thanks Jenny!)

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3) “End the Era of Orphanages?” What Does That Mean?

We don’t even know how to respond to this radical TED Talk. When you get a chance, would you please listen and comment? How should this affect our strategic planning regarding orphanages, in your opinion? Just click “Comment” following the online version of this item – please.

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4) Parables from Nature


We love these. Of course, they’d work great in a youth ministry. But the thing is, nobody gets weary of stories. (If you don’t believe us, just take a look at the teachings of Jesus.) Check these out — and try to incorporate them into your next set of talks:


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5) New Programs on Buenas Nuevas Radio


Looking for interactive Christian radio programs in Spanish? Perhaps your quest is realized:

View the programming schedule and listen to Buenas Nuevas Radio:

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6) “We Have Stopped Supporting You” — Chilling Words, Funny Article


This tongue-in-cheek article is actually maybe a bit too real to be “funny.” But the author has done a great job helping us see the fallacy of some of the standard party lines these days. If you’ve ever lost mission support while serving overseas, you are now part of a global audience for articles just like this one.

(Thanks Jenny!!! Great find.)

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7) TESOL Training in Asia


Now you can get TESOL training designed for those in ministry set at a ministry budget. Asean Center for TESOL offers an intensive, five-week course leading to a TESOL certificate in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Get classes, community experience, and lots of guidance – and a certificate – all at the same time. And it’s cheaper to fly out and take this course than it is to take the same course in N.A.! For more info, visit…

or write

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8) Still On a Quest for a Great Piece of Accounting Software?


Have you tried Aplos? At our agency, we’ve been QuickBooks users for a decade or more. But lately, it feels like we’re pushing its limits. We need easier multiple real-time users, more donor relationship tools, and better views into the reports that would help us communicate with the people who make possible our work. Our new operations guy is trying out Aplos and, so far, it looks very compelling.

How did we miss this before? Have you tried it? … and if so, how did it go?

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9) Perhaps We Lose Too Many Children Because They Aren’t Soldiers?


John Piper. Sometimes he can say the most annoyingly, bothersome, outlandishly true things.

What if we are losing our children because we aren’t training them as soldiers? What if wasting our life is worse than losing it? What if great struggle produces great citizens?

(Thanks Katie!)

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10) Here at the “World’s Smallest Hotel” You Can Find Peace?

Looking for a place to use up some of those AMEX points? Tired of endless spiral patterns in the carpet, confusing directions on the waffle-makers, and funny button patterns on the hotel remote control? Now you can get away from ALL of it — here at the world’s smallest hotel. In the Jordan Desert. With a reportedly five-star experience. Is air-conditioning drying out your skin? Boycott it! Here. Give up the boring white sheets and choose handmade embroidered ones. Why lose life on standard goose down when you can enjoy a pillow decorated with colorful beads? Why stoop to a warm chocolate chip cookie when you can get a traditional Bedouin breakfast served personally by the owner’s wife, Um Ali, and daughters? For just 40 Jordanian Dinars (around $56) this stamp can be in your passport too, so to speak. Not to be missed.

(Thanks Matt!)

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11) Still Lost in the Wonder of Matthew 9:35-38


If we were to pray, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 9:35-38, with all our hearts, in full faith, would God really raise up the harvesters about whom we’re dreaming? Would a generation respond? Would a new wave of workers step up to the plate and say, “Here I am Lord. Send me.” We’re filled with a thousand questions about His power, His sovereignty, and the world’s need.

See it with subtitles in espanol here:

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12) This Headline Still Bothers Me:


Have you seen the latest tagline from yet another church pushing its online web experience? “Don’t go to church; let church come to you.” Something still bothers me about this line of thinking. Can you guess my concerns? If so, please click “Comment” following the web version of this item.

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13) Any of These Ten Key Trends for 2017 Surprise You?

Take a look. Any of these surprise you? We’d be interested in hearing your take. Just click “Comment” following the web version of this item.

1. Some Christian groups are growing faster than others.
2. Pentecostals continue with their explosive growth.
3. Cities are growing faster than Christians are moving to them.
4. Christianity is no longer a Western-dominated religion.
5. Only half of Christians live in Christian-dominated nations.
6. Churches have crossed the 5 million mark.
7. Christians possess and are giving large amounts of money.
8. Less of the world is unreached than ever before.
9. Missionaries are growing slowly.
10. More non-Christians will have Christian friends.

See commentary under each point at…

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14) The Last Bit: How Much Would You Risk to Rescue?


That’s a question we all have to ask ourselves. For example, would you risk this much?

If you are the type with that kind of bravado, then we give praise to God.

Now here’s the next question: Would we not want to risk even GREATER danger to give testimony of Jesus so we can snatch even one person from the fires of Hell? If that’s how you feel, please begin praying immediately, “God, can you use me working among an unreached people group or city?” If God multiplies you by allowing you to share Christ with others, then you’ll be making a contribution that’s really difficult to measure with price.

What do you think? What’s your take on the lead video?

Of course, you can learn more about the Free Burma Rangers here:

What’s your take on the whole thing?

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15) Subscription Information


Want to unsubscribe? Just click the “Unsubscribe” link at the end of this email. It’s one touch — so easy.

Want to change your address? That’s easy too. First, use the unsubscribe instruction above to get rid of your old address. Then just click to and enter your new address in the one-click subscribe box in the upper right. That’s it! If necessary, verify the new address by watching your inbox for the confirmation from our email sending service. Be ready to click on (or copy and paste) the link into your browser. That’s it! It’s that easy!

To Submit An Item — We love to feature your news & resources! To find out how, read our submission guidelines and use the web form at:

Disclaimer –
We can’t screen ’em all. Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information! The web is constantly changing. We’ll do our best to scout it out in advance, but if the sea changes after we visit a site to check it out, please forgive.

Please Don’t Subscribe Us To Your List Without Asking –
Sorry, nothing personal, but we’re already deluged.

Warning About Forwarding Emails –
Just say no! 🙂 Read our thoughts about forwarding emails at

Donate to Brigada –

To give online, just click “Donate” in the upper right at Or if you’re reading this via email, scroll to the bottom to find a handy link. By the way, you don’t need a PayPal account to give. If you reach a screen asking for your PayPal I.D., look on the left side of the screen, about halfway down, and find the prompt which says, “Continue without a PayPal Account.” If you’d rather send an old-fashioned check, just make it payable to Team Expansion and send it to: Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299, USA. (And by the way, Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so for USA citizens, your checks made out to Team Expansion are tax-deductible.) Thanks to those who have suggested this cause to their local church missions committees, mission teams, and/or missions ministers/pastors. We appreciate you!

Privacy Information –

We will never give your information to anybody. We won’t market you, won’t hassle you, and won’t ever bother you. You will NEVER be signed up for mailings you didn’t request. Your address is safe and your future is secure. Life is good. 🙂

Copyright — This issue of _Brigada Today_ is Copyrighted 2017. However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available on the Brigada website, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached. To copy or reproduce Brigada Today for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted.

When you quote or paraphrase material from Brigada, please include this
phrase: “For a free subscription to Brigada’s weekly missions publication, visit Brigada on the web at”

Copyright © 2017 Team Expansion, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive Brigada Today at . 

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Brigada Today 2017/10/22
View this email in your browser

Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Equipping Local Churches for Missionary Care
Jump to…2) Get Valuable Perspective on Your Cross-cultural Service
Jump to…3) “End the Era of Orphanages?” What Does That Mean?
Jump to…4) Parables from Nature
Jump to…5) New Programs on Buenas Nuevas Radio
Jump to…6) “We Have Stopped Supporting You” — Chilling Words, Funny Article
Jump to…7) TESOL Training in Asia
Jump to…8) Still On a Quest for a Great Piece of Accounting Software?
Jump to…9) Perhaps We Lose Too Many Children Because They Aren’t Soldiers?
Jump to…10) Here at the “World’s Smallest Hotel” You Can Find Peace?
Jump to…11) Still Lost in the Wonder of Matthew 9:35-38
Jump to…12) This Headline Still Bothers Me:
Jump to…13) Any of These Ten Key Trends for 2017 Surprise You?
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: How Much Would You Risk to Rescue?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Equipping Local Churches for Missionary Care


God powerfully designs local churches to care for missionaries. But how can churches learn to do that well? Check out the International Conference on Missions on November 16-19 in Peoria, IL. Attend six different workshops featuring the likes of Neal Pirolo and more. Help your church be better partners in the Gospel with your missionaries so together you can impact the world.

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2) Get Valuable Perspective on Your Cross-cultural Service


ABIDE is a 5-day re-entry debriefing to equip participants to navigate the challenges of re-entry and to move forward toward renewal in the next season of ministry. Whole families are able to process their cross-cultural experiences, as they offer simultaneous adult and TCK programs. Learn more about upcoming debriefings and content at…

(Thanks Jenny!)

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3) “End the Era of Orphanages?” What Does That Mean?

We don’t even know how to respond to this radical TED Talk. When you get a chance, would you please listen and comment? How should this affect our strategic planning regarding orphanages, in your opinion? Just click “Comment” following the online version of this item – please.

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4) Parables from Nature


We love these. Of course, they’d work great in a youth ministry. But the thing is, nobody gets weary of stories. (If you don’t believe us, just take a look at the teachings of Jesus.) Check these out — and try to incorporate them into your next set of talks:


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5) New Programs on Buenas Nuevas Radio


Looking for interactive Christian radio programs in Spanish? Perhaps your quest is realized:

View the programming schedule and listen to Buenas Nuevas Radio:

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6) “We Have Stopped Supporting You” — Chilling Words, Funny Article


This tongue-in-cheek article is actually maybe a bit too real to be “funny.” But the author has done a great job helping us see the fallacy of some of the standard party lines these days. If you’ve ever lost mission support while serving overseas, you are now part of a global audience for articles just like this one.

(Thanks Jenny!!! Great find.)

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7) TESOL Training in Asia


Now you can get TESOL training designed for those in ministry set at a ministry budget. Asean Center for TESOL offers an intensive, five-week course leading to a TESOL certificate in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Get classes, community experience, and lots of guidance – and a certificate – all at the same time. And it’s cheaper to fly out and take this course than it is to take the same course in N.A.! For more info, visit…

or write

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8) Still On a Quest for a Great Piece of Accounting Software?


Have you tried Aplos? At our agency, we’ve been QuickBooks users for a decade or more. But lately, it feels like we’re pushing its limits. We need easier multiple real-time users, more donor relationship tools, and better views into the reports that would help us communicate with the people who make possible our work. Our new operations guy is trying out Aplos and, so far, it looks very compelling.

How did we miss this before? Have you tried it? … and if so, how did it go?

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9) Perhaps We Lose Too Many Children Because They Aren’t Soldiers?


John Piper. Sometimes he can say the most annoyingly, bothersome, outlandishly true things.

What if we are losing our children because we aren’t training them as soldiers? What if wasting our life is worse than losing it? What if great struggle produces great citizens?

(Thanks Katie!)

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10) Here at the “World’s Smallest Hotel” You Can Find Peace?

Looking for a place to use up some of those AMEX points? Tired of endless spiral patterns in the carpet, confusing directions on the waffle-makers, and funny button patterns on the hotel remote control? Now you can get away from ALL of it — here at the world’s smallest hotel. In the Jordan Desert. With a reportedly five-star experience. Is air-conditioning drying out your skin? Boycott it! Here. Give up the boring white sheets and choose handmade embroidered ones. Why lose life on standard goose down when you can enjoy a pillow decorated with colorful beads? Why stoop to a warm chocolate chip cookie when you can get a traditional Bedouin breakfast served personally by the owner’s wife, Um Ali, and daughters? For just 40 Jordanian Dinars (around $56) this stamp can be in your passport too, so to speak. Not to be missed.

(Thanks Matt!)

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11) Still Lost in the Wonder of Matthew 9:35-38


If we were to pray, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 9:35-38, with all our hearts, in full faith, would God really raise up the harvesters about whom we’re dreaming? Would a generation respond? Would a new wave of workers step up to the plate and say, “Here I am Lord. Send me.” We’re filled with a thousand questions about His power, His sovereignty, and the world’s need.

See it with subtitles in espanol here:

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12) This Headline Still Bothers Me:


Have you seen the latest tagline from yet another church pushing its online web experience? “Don’t go to church; let church come to you.” Something still bothers me about this line of thinking. Can you guess my concerns? If so, please click “Comment” following the web version of this item.

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13) Any of These Ten Key Trends for 2017 Surprise You?

Take a look. Any of these surprise you? We’d be interested in hearing your take. Just click “Comment” following the web version of this item.

1. Some Christian groups are growing faster than others.
2. Pentecostals continue with their explosive growth.
3. Cities are growing faster than Christians are moving to them.
4. Christianity is no longer a Western-dominated religion.
5. Only half of Christians live in Christian-dominated nations.
6. Churches have crossed the 5 million mark.
7. Christians possess and are giving large amounts of money.
8. Less of the world is unreached than ever before.
9. Missionaries are growing slowly.
10. More non-Christians will have Christian friends.

See commentary under each point at…

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14) The Last Bit: How Much Would You Risk to Rescue?


That’s a question we all have to ask ourselves. For example, would you risk this much?

If you are the type with that kind of bravado, then we give praise to God.

Now here’s the next question: Would we not want to risk even GREATER danger to give testimony of Jesus so we can snatch even one person from the fires of Hell? If that’s how you feel, please begin praying immediately, “God, can you use me working among an unreached people group or city?” If God multiplies you by allowing you to share Christ with others, then you’ll be making a contribution that’s really difficult to measure with price.

What do you think? What’s your take on the lead video?

Of course, you can learn more about the Free Burma Rangers here:

What’s your take on the whole thing?

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15) Subscription Information


Want to unsubscribe? Just click the “Unsubscribe” link at the end of this email. It’s one touch — so easy.

Want to change your address? That’s easy too. First, use the unsubscribe instruction above to get rid of your old address. Then just click to and enter your new address in the one-click subscribe box in the upper right. That’s it! If necessary, verify the new address by watching your inbox for the confirmation from our email sending service. Be ready to click on (or copy and paste) the link into your browser. That’s it! It’s that easy!

To Submit An Item — We love to feature your news & resources! To find out how, read our submission guidelines and use the web form at:

Disclaimer –
We can’t screen ’em all. Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information! The web is constantly changing. We’ll do our best to scout it out in advance, but if the sea changes after we visit a site to check it out, please forgive.

Please Don’t Subscribe Us To Your List Without Asking –
Sorry, nothing personal, but we’re already deluged.

Warning About Forwarding Emails –
Just say no! 🙂 Read our thoughts about forwarding emails at

Donate to Brigada –

To give online, just click “Donate” in the upper right at Or if you’re reading this via email, scroll to the bottom to find a handy link. By the way, you don’t need a PayPal account to give. If you reach a screen asking for your PayPal I.D., look on the left side of the screen, about halfway down, and find the prompt which says, “Continue without a PayPal Account.” If you’d rather send an old-fashioned check, just make it payable to Team Expansion and send it to: Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299, USA. (And by the way, Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so for USA citizens, your checks made out to Team Expansion are tax-deductible.) Thanks to those who have suggested this cause to their local church missions committees, mission teams, and/or missions ministers/pastors. We appreciate you!

Privacy Information –

We will never give your information to anybody. We won’t market you, won’t hassle you, and won’t ever bother you. You will NEVER be signed up for mailings you didn’t request. Your address is safe and your future is secure. Life is good. 🙂

Copyright — This issue of _Brigada Today_ is Copyrighted 2017. However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available on the Brigada website, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached. To copy or reproduce Brigada Today for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted.

When you quote or paraphrase material from Brigada, please include this
phrase: “For a free subscription to Brigada’s weekly missions publication, visit Brigada on the web at”

Copyright © 2017 Team Expansion, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive Brigada Today at . 

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