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                               Answered Prayers
God has connected our prayer partners to the most vulnerable and this week a stream of reports express the impact of our famine relief in South Sudan. – Here is one…
“My name is Elizirel, I am 38 years of age, the food that I have received at Gudele Church has helped us a lot. We worked for almost 6 months without salaries being paid to us and through all this situation we put ourselves into hands of God by prayer and I am happy because He has answer our prayer by giving us this food and we can also help those orphans that are left under my care from the continued war. I really thank God for hearing our prayer and using the hearts of His disciples from far away lands to care for us.”

• Praise God for answered prayers! 
• Pray for good communication to continue as we finish out projects. 
• Pray for spiritual protection as we bring the love of Jesus to those in need.









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